tFileOutputDelimitedSplit – Talend Custom Components

Name: tFileOutputDelimitedSplit
Icon: tFileOutputDelimitedSplit
Author: irahman
Install Instructions:
Example: Coming soon…

This component extends tFileOutputDelimited so that it splits output into multiple files when any arbitrary condition is met.

The standard component splits every N rows; this version starts a new file when any arbitrary condition is met AND/OR the number of rows reaches the limit. Note this means that if both condition and row limit are required, then rows in file can exceed the limit – file will keep growing until the condition is also met.

The use case that drove this change: split output file into manageable chunks as defined by # rows, but without splitting files in the middle of a logical ‘group’ of rows, where a group was defined as a consecutive set of rows with the same value in a given field. New file is started when current max rows is exceeded AND not in middle of ‘group’.

Release Notes:

Release version: 1.0 – 2011-04-27 10:14:48
This component extends tFileOutputDelimited so that it splits output into multiple files when any arbitrary condition is met.

The standard component splits every N rows; this version starts a new file when any arbitrary condition is met AND/OR the number of rows reaches the limit. Note this means that if both condition and row limit are required, then rows in file can exceed the limit – file will keep growing until the condition is also met.

  • 4.1 (obsolete)

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