cMap – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cMap Executes transformations (called maps) between different sources and destinations by harnessing the capabilities of Talend Data Mapper , available in the Mapping perspective. cMap transforms data from a wide range of sources to a wide range of destinations. If you want to use multiple inputs and/or outputs, you must use Talend Data Mapper I/O…
cMessagingEndpoint – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cMessagingEndpoint Allows two applications to communicate by either sending or receiving messages. Commonly used Camel components The following table lists the most commonly used Camel components that can be called by cMessagingEndpoint. Click the links in the table to go to the Apache Camel’s Website for the latest information of the these components. Make sure…
cTimer – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cTimer Schedules message exchanges in a Route. cTimer Standard properties These properties are used to configure cTimer running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard cTimer component belongs to the Orchestration family. Basic settings Period Fill this field with an integer (in milliseconds) to generate message exchanges every period. Repeat Specifies a maximum limit of…
cFtp – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cFtp Provides access to remote file systems over the FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocols. cFtp Standard properties These properties are used to configure cFtp running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard cFtp component belongs to the Connectivity family. Basic settings Parameters/type Select the file transfer protocol, ftp or sftp, ftps. Parameters/server Type in the…
cAWSSES – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cAWSSES Sends emails with Amazon’s Simple Email Service (SES). cAWSSES Standard properties These properties are used to configure cAWSSES running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard cAWSSES component belongs to the AWS and Connectivity families. Basic settings Connection Select an AWS connection component from the list to reuse the connection details you already defined….
cFile – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cFile Provides access to file systems, allowing files to be processed by any other components or messages from other components to be saved to the disk. cFile Standard properties These properties are used to configure cFile running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard cFile component belongs to the Connectivity family. Basic settings Path Path…
cSetHeader – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cSetHeader Sets headers or customizes the default headers, if any, on each message sent to it for subsequent message processing. cSetHeader Standard properties These properties are used to configure cSetHeader running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard cSetHeader component belongs to the Core family. Basic settings Headers Click [+] to add as many headers…
cTalendJob – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cTalendJob Exchanges messages between a Data Integration Job and a Mediation Route. cTalendJob calls a Data Integration Job either from the repository or exported as an OSGI Bundle For ESB. For more information on how to build a Job and how to export a Job as an OSGI Bundle for ESB, see Talend Studio User…
cAMQP – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cAMQP Exchanges messages between a Route and a JMS provider using the AMQP broker. cAMQP Standard properties These properties are used to configure cAMQP running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard cAMQP component belongs to the Connectivity family. Basic settings URI/Type Select the messaging type, either queue or topic. URI/Destination Type in a name…
cREST – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x
cREST Provides integration with Apache CXF for connecting to JAX-RS services. cREST Standard properties These properties are used to configure cREST running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard cREST component belongs to the Connectivity family. Basic settings API definition Click […] to browse to the OAS/Swagger 2.0 file to initialize your component endpoint, API…