tLogRow properties for Apache Spark Streaming – Docs for ESB 6.x
tLogRow properties for Apache Spark Streaming These properties are used to configure tLogRow running in the Spark Streaming Job framework. The Spark Streaming tLogRow component belongs to the Misc family. The component in this framework is available only if you have subscribed to Talend Real-time Big Data Platform or Talend Data Fabric. Basic settings Schema…
tHDFSConfiguration properties for Apache Spark Streaming – Docs for ESB 6.x
tHDFSConfiguration properties for Apache Spark Streaming These properties are used to configure tHDFSConfiguration running in the Spark Streaming Job framework. The Spark Streaming tHDFSConfiguration component belongs to the Storage family. The component in this framework is available only if you have subscribed to Talend Real-time Big Data Platform or Talend Data Fabric. Basic settings Property…
tLogRow MapReduce properties – Docs for ESB 6.x
tLogRow MapReduce properties These properties are used to configure tLogRow running in the MapReduce Job framework. The MapReduce tLogRow component belongs to the Logs & Errors family. The component in this framework is available only if you have subscribed to one of the Talend solutions with Big Data. Basic settings Schema and Edit schema A…
tHDFSConfiguration properties for Apache Spark Batch – Docs for ESB 6.x
tHDFSConfiguration properties for Apache Spark Batch These properties are used to configure tHDFSConfiguration running in the Spark Batch Job framework. The Spark Batch tHDFSConfiguration component belongs to the Storage family. The component in this framework is available only if you have subscribed to one of the Talend solutions with Big Data. Basic settings Property type…
tLogRow Storm properties – Docs for ESB 6.x
tLogRow Storm properties These properties are used to configure tLogRow running in the Storm Job framework. The Storm tLogRow component belongs to the Logs & Errors family. The component in this framework is available only if you have subscribed to Talend Real-time Big Data Platform or Talend Data Fabric. Basic settings Schema and Edit schema…
Scenario 5: Writing dynamic columns from a database to an output file – Docs for ESB 6.x
Scenario 5: Writing dynamic columns from a database to an output file This scenario applies only to a subscription-based Talend solution. In this scenario, MySQL is used for demonstration purposes. You will read dynamic columns from a MySQL database, map them and then write them to a table in a local output file. By defining…
tLogRow Standard properties – Docs for ESB 6.x
tLogRow Standard properties These properties are used to configure tLogRow running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard tLogRow component belongs to the Logs & Errors family. The component in this framework is generally available. Basic settings Schema and Edit schema A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields (columns) to…
tLogRow properties for Apache Spark Batch – Docs for ESB 6.x
tLogRow properties for Apache Spark Batch These properties are used to configure tLogRow running in the Spark Batch Job framework. The Spark Batch tLogRow component belongs to the Misc family. The component in this framework is available only if you have subscribed to one of the Talend solutions with Big Data. Basic settings Define a…
tSetKeystore Standard properties – Docs for ESB 6.x
tSetKeystore Standard properties These properties are used to configure tSetKeystore running in the Standard Job framework. The Standard tSetKeystore component belongs to the Internet family. The component in this framework is generally available. Basic settings TrustStore type Select the type of the TrustStore to be used. It may be PKCS 12 or JKS. TrustStore file…
tSetKeystore properties for Apache Spark Streaming – Docs for ESB 6.x
tSetKeystore properties for Apache Spark Streaming These properties are used to configure tSetKeystore running in the Spark Streaming Job framework. The Spark Streaming tSetKeystore component belongs to the Authentication family. The streaming version of this component is available in the Palette of the Studio only if you have subscribed to Talend Real-time Big Data Platform…