August 17, 2023

tELTSybaseMap – Docs for ESB 5.x



tELTSybaseMap properties

The three ELT Sybase components are closely related in terms of their operating
conditions. These components should be used to handle Sybase DB schemas to generate
Insert statements, including clauses, which are to be executed in the DB output table

Component family




Allows you construct a graphical build of the SQL statement using
the table provided as input.


Uses the tables provided as input to feed the parameters required
to execute the SQL statement. The statement can include inner or
outer joins to be implemented between tables or between a table and
its aliases

Basic settings

Use an existing connection

Select this check box and in the Component List click the
relevant connection component to reuse the connection details you already defined.


When a Job contains the parent Job and the child Job, if you need to share an existing
connection between the two levels, for example, to share the connection created by the
parent Job with the child Job, you have to:

  1. In the parent level, register the database connection to be shared in the
    Basic settings view of the connection
    component which creates that very database connection.

  2. In the child level, use a dedicated connection component to read that
    registered database connection.

For an example about how to share a database connection across Job levels, see
Talend Studio User


ELT Sybase Map Editor

The ELT Map editor allows you to define the output schema and make
a graphical build of the SQL statement to be executed. The column
names of schema can be different from the column names in the


Style link

Select the way in which links are displayed.

Auto: By default, the links between
the input and output schemas and the Web service parameters are in
the form of curves.

Bezier curve: Links between the
schema and the Web service parameters are in the form of curve.

Line: Links between the schema and
the Web service parameters are in the form of straight lines.

This option slightly optimizes performance.


Property type

Can be either Built-in or



Built-in : No property data is
stored centrally.



Repository : Select the
Repository file where the component properties are stored. The
following fields are pre-filled using collected data



Database server IP address



Listening port number of DB server



Name of the database


Username and

DB user authentication data.

To enter the password, click the […] button next to the
password field, and then in the pop-up dialog box enter the password between double quotes
and click OK to save the settings.

Advanced settings

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to gather the Job processing metadata at a
Job level as well as at component level.

Dynamic settings

Click the [+] button to add a row in the table and fill
the Code field with a context variable to choose your
database connection dynamically from multiple connections planned in your Job. This feature
is useful when you need to access database tables having the same data structure but in
different databases, especially when you are working in an environment where you cannot
change your Job settings, for example, when your Job has to be deployed and executed
independent of Talend Studio.

The Dynamic settings table is available only when the
Use an existing connection check box is selected in the
Basic settings view. Once a dynamic parameter is
defined, the Component List box in the Basic settings view becomes unusable.

For more information on Dynamic settings and context
variables, see Talend Studio User Guide.

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see Talend Studio
User Guide.


tELTSybaseMap is intended for use
with tELTSybaseInput and tELTSybaseOutput. Note that the Output
link to be used with these components must correspond strictly to
the syntax of the table name.


The ELT components only handle schema information. They do not
handle actual data flow.


This component requires installation of its related jar files. For more information about the
installation of these missing jar files, see the section describing how to configure the
Studio of the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Adding where and other clauses

You can also restrict the Select statement based on a Where clause and/or other clauses such
as Group By, Order By, etc. by clicking the Add filter
button at the top of the output table in the map editor.

To add a restriction based on a Where clause, click the Add
filter row
button and select Add a WHERE
from the popup menu.

To add a restriction based on Group By, Order By etc., click the Add filter row button and select Add an
other(GROUP…) clause
from the popup menu.


Make sure that all input components are linked correctly to the ELT Map component to
be able to implement all inclusions, joins and clauses.

Related scenarios

For scenarios in which tELTSybaseMap may be used, see
the following tELTMysqlMap scenarios:

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