August 17, 2023

tUniservRTPost – Docs for ESB 5.x



tUniservRTPost properties

Component family

Data quality



tUniservRTPost provides postal
validation and correction of addresses, which is critical to
improving the quality of addresses. This way, you will be more
successful in personalized one-on-one marketing, reducing costs and
increasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of address
management in all the applications.


tUniservRTPost helps to improve
the addresses quality, which is extremely important for CRM and
e-business as it is directly related to postage and advertising

Basic settings

Schema and Edit

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields to be processed and passed on
to the next component. The schema is either Built-In or
stored remotely in the Repository.

Since version 5.6, both the Built-In mode and the Repository mode are
available in any of the Talend solutions.

Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the
current schema is of the Repository type, three options are

  • View schema: choose this option to view the
    schema only.

  • Change to built-in property: choose this option
    to change the schema to Built-in for local

  • Update repository connection: choose this option to change
    the schema stored in the repository and decide whether to propagate the changes to
    all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to propagate the changes to the
    current Job, you can select No upon completion and
    choose this schema metadata again in the [Repository


Host name

Server host name between double quotation marks.



Listening port number of the server between double
quotation marks.



The service name is "post" by default. Enter a new
name if necessary (e.g. due to service suffix), between double
quotation marks.


Use rejects

Select this check box to collect faulty addresses via the
rejects connection. Usually
they are the addresses with the post result class 5. Valid values
for the result class are 1-5. The value must be between double
quotation marks.

If this check box is not selected, the faulty addresses are output
via the Main connection.

If the check box is selected but the rejects connection is not created, the faulty
addresses are simply rejected.


Use File for ambiguous results

Select the check box to define a file for writing the selection
list to it.

When an address cannot be corrected unambiguously, a selection
list is created.

This list can be further processed via the AMBIGUITY connection. All potential candidate
results then run via this connection. The schema of this connection
is preinitialized with the arguments of the dissolved selection list
of the service ‘post’.

Advanced settings

Uniserv Parameters

Select this check box to define the corresponding parameters. For
detailed information, please refer to the Uniserv user manual
International Postal


tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to collect log data at the Job and the
component levels.


“Full address” selection list

Select the check box Display to
show all the columns. Or, select the check box next to a particular
column to show it alone.

This option controls the content of the file for ambiguous
addresses. Only selected columns would be written into the

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see Talend Studio
User Guide.


tUniservRTPost requires an input
set. Its postal validation will then be checked. In case of an
unambiguous result, the corrected set will be output via the
Main connection. If the address
is ambiguous, the potential candidates will be output via the
Ambiguity connection. If an
address was not found, it will be passed on via the Reject connection.


To use tUniservRTPost, the
Uniserv software International Postal
and the required post servers must be


Scenario 1: Checking and correcting the postal code, city and street

This scenario describes a batch job that checks and corrects the addresses and postal
codes from a file.

The input file for this scenario is already saved in the Repository, so that all schema metadata is available.

  1. In the Repository view, expand the Metadata node and the directory in which the file is
    saved. Then drag this file into the design workspace.

    The dialog box below appears.

  2. Select tFileInputDelimited and click
    OK to close the dialog box.

    The component is displayed in the workspace. The file used in this scenario is
    called SampleAddresses. It contains address
    data that comes with a country code. The street and house number are saved
    together in the street field, while postal code and city are respectively saved
    in separate fields.

  3. Drag the following components from the Palette into the design workspace: two tMap components, tUniservRTPost
    and tFileOutputDelimited .

  4. Connect tMap with tUniservRTPost first.

    Accept the schema from tUniservRTPost by
    clicking Yes on the prompt window.

  5. Connect the other components via Row >

  6. Double-click tMap_1 to open the schema
    mapping window. On the left is the structure of the input file and on the right
    is the schema of tUniservRTPost. At the bottom
    is displayed the Schema Editor, where you can
    find the attributes of the individual columns and edit them.

  7. Assign the columns of the input file to the respective columns of tUniservRTPost. For this purpose, select a column of
    the input source and drag it onto the appropriate column on the right side. If
    fields from the input file are to be passed on to the output file, e.g. the
    names or the IDs, additional fields must be defined.


    When assigning the fields, note that street and house number can either be
    saved together in the street column or respectively in separate fields. If
    your data list does not have a country code but the addresses are from the
    same country, the relevant ISO-country code should be manually entered
    between double quotation marks in the column IN_COUNTRY. If you have an international data list without
    country code, just leave the column IN_COUNTRY empty. For detailed information, please refer to
    the Uniserv user manual International Postal

  8. Click OK to close the window.

  9. Double-click tUniservRTPost and enter its
    Advanced settings view.

  10. Change the parameters and field lengths if necessary and select the output


    Make sure sufficient field length is defined. For detailed information,
    please refer to the Uniserv user manual International Postal Framework.

  11. Double-click tMap_3 to open schema mapping
    window. On the left is the schema of tUniservRTPost and on the right is the schema of the output

  12. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  13. Double-click tFileOutputDelimited to enter
    the details for the output file.

Scenario 2: Checking and correcting the postal code, city and street, as well as
rejecting the unfeasible

This scenario is closely related to the one above. But the difference is that, the
addresses that cannot be assigned are written into a separate file for manual checking.
Additionally, to write ambiguous addresses in a separate file, the procedure is the same
as described here.

  1. Create a job as described in the previous scenario.

  2. Drag the following additional components from the Palette into the design workspace: tMap and tFileOutputDelimited.

  3. Double-click tUniservRTPost to open its
    Basic settings view.

  4. Select the Use rejects check box and enter
    “5” in the field if
    result class greater or equals to
    . This is the result class from
    the check of postal codes in addresses, which contain too few or unfeasible

  5. Connect tUniservRTPost with tMap_5 via Row >

  6. Connect tMap with tFileOutputDelimited via Row >

  7. Define the fields for the output file in the mapping window.

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