August 16, 2023

Connecting to Snowflake – Docs for ESB 6.x

Connecting to Snowflake

Configure the tSnowflakeConnection component to connect to

  1. Double-click the tSnowflakeConnection component to open its Basic settings view.
  2. In the Account field, enter
    the account name assigned by Snowflake.
  3. In the User Id and the
    Password fields, enter the authentication
    information accordingly.

    Note that this user ID is your user login name. If you do not know your user login
    name yet, ask the administrator of your Snowflake system for details.

  4. In the Warehouse field,
    enter the name of the data warehouse to be used in Snowflake.
  5. In the Schema field, enter
    the name of the database schema to be used.
  6. In the Database field, enter
    the name of the database to be used.

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