August 15, 2023

How to set schema for generating the parent-to-child relationship query – Docs for ESB 6.x

How to set schema for generating the parent-to-child relationship query

This section demonstrates how to set the module name and schema columns for
generating a parent-to-child relationship query.

The following two parent-to-child relationship query examples will be used for
demonstration purpose in the following steps.

  • SELECT Name, Owner.Name (SELECT CreatedBy.Name FROM Notes) FROM
    , a parent-to-child relationship query with standard object
    and fields, and

  • SELECT LastName__c, (SELECT FirstName__c FROM Daughters__r) FROM
    , a parent-to-child relationship query with custom object
    and fields.

    Note that here you must use the relationship name with __r
    instead of __c. For more information, see Understanding Relationship Names, Custom
    Objects, and Custom Fields

  1. Set the module name with the name of the object specified in the outer query
    FROM clause, Account and
    Mother__c in above examples.
  2. Create a column for each field (inclulding the fields in subquery) after
    SELECT in the schema dialog box.

    For the first example, you need to create three columns for the three fields,
    including two fields Name and Owner.Name
    after the outer SELECT, and one field
    CreatedBy.Name after the subquery

    For the second example, you need to create two columns for the two fields,
    including the field LastName__c after the outer
    SELECT, and the field FirstName__c
    after the subquery SELECT.

  3. For the fields in the outer SELECT clause, which are outside
    parentheses, set the name of each column with the name of each field and replace
    all dots in the column name with underscore characters.

    For the first example, the column names for the two fields
    Name and Owner.Name in the
    outer SELECT clause are set to Name
    and Owner_Name.

    For the second example, there is no dot in the field name, so the column name
    is same as the field name.

  4. For the fields in the subquery SELECT, construct the column
    names using the pattern <$XXX>_records_<$YYY>, where
    <$XXX> corresponds to the name of the object specified
    in the subquery FROM clause, and <$YYY>
    will be the field name with all dots replaced by underscore characters.

    For the first example, the column name for the field
    CreatedBy.Name in the subquery is set to

    For the second example, the column name for the field
    FirstName__c in the subquery is set to

  5. Set the type of each column.

    The schema for the first example should be set like this:


    And the schema for the second example should be set like this:


    Note that the underscore character ‘_’ is
    used as a separator between the relationship name and the field name in
    schema, so only the underscore character ‘_’ that goes after ‘__r’ or ‘__c’
    will be replaced by the dot character ‘.’ when generating the query. If the
    underscore character ‘_’ is a part of any custom name in the schema, for
    example, Contact_custom_field__c, which should be
    Contact.custom_field__c in the query, you need to
    replace ‘_’ in the generated query with ‘.’ manually.

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