August 15, 2023

How to set schema for generating the simple query – Docs for ESB 6.x

How to set schema for generating the simple query

This section demonstrates how to set the module name and schema columns for generating
the simple query.

The following two simple query examples will be used for demonstration purpose in the
following steps.

  • SELECT Id, Name, BillingCity FROM Account, a simple query with
    standard object and fields, and

  • SELECT Name__c, LastName__c FROM Mother__c, a simple query with
    custom object and fields.

  1. Set the module name with the name of the object specified in the
    FROM clause, Account and
    Mother__c for above examples.
  2. Create a column for each field in the field list (separated by commas) after
    SELECT in the schema dialog box and set the column name
    with the field name.

    For the first example, you need to create three columns Id,
    Name, and BillingCity for the three

    For the second example, you need to create two columns
    Name__c and LastName__c for the two

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