August 15, 2023

Inserting lead records into Marketo using REST API – Docs for ESB 6.x

Inserting lead records into Marketo using REST API

  1. Double-click the first tFixedFlowInput component to open its Basic settings view.


  2. Click the […] button
    next to Edit schema to open the schema
    dialog box.


  3. In the schema dialog box, select the id
    and Status columns that don’t need input values and click
    the button_remove_selected_items.png button to remove them. Then click OK to save the settings and close the schema
    dialog box.
  4. In the Mode area, select
    Use Inline Content(delimited file)
    and enter the following input data in the Content field.

  5. Double-click the tMarketoOutput component to open its Basic settings view.


  6. From the Connection Component drop-down list, select the
    component whose connection details will be used to set up the connection to
    Marketo, tMarketoConnection_1 in this example.
  7. From the Operation
    drop-down list, select SyncMultipleLeads
    to insert multiple lead records.
  8. From the Operation type drop-down list, select
    createDuplicate to allow duplicated
    leads to be created.

Document get from Talend
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