Scenario: Editing addresses and giving the verification status
This scenario applies only to a subscription-based Talend Platform solution or Talend Data Fabric.
Below is a five-component Job created in
Talend Studio
This Job:
reads an input csv file that holds some client-related information,
uses the tMap component to concatenate the
three fields Address, Postal, and City
from the incoming data flow in one output column:
Edit_Address, -
uses the tQASAddressRow component to analyze
the output column Edit_Address and gives the verification
status of all edited addresses, -
uses a tFilterRow component to output only
the addresses which status is not equal to None. -
and finally displays the correct formatted address along with their
verification status on the console.
In this scenario, we have already stored the input schema of the input file in the
Repository. For more information about storing schema metadata in the Repository tree view, see
Talend Studio User