July 30, 2023

Creating and running the Job – Docs for ESB 7.x

Creating and running the Job

Add components in to your design workspace and configure these before
running the Job.

  1. Drag-and-drop the SAP HANA database connection you previously created into the
    design workspace.
  2. Add the tSAPHanaUnload component.
  3. Connect the components using the Trigger > OnSubjobOk.

    The following image displays the sample Job:

    Creating and running the Job_1.png
  4. Select tSAPHanaUnload and view the Basic settings

    1. Mark the Use an existing connection
    2. Select tDBConnection_1-SAPHANA option from the
      dropdown list.
    3. Enter the name of the SAP HANA database table that you wish to export
      in the Table field.
    4. Add the target location where you want to store the
      exported data in the Export location on the
      SAP HANA host
      field. This refers to a directory in your
      SAP HANA database local machine.
  5. Run the Job.
All the data from the specified SAP HANA
database table are exported and stored locally in the unload directory of your SAP HANA
database machine. Note that you can find the exported data in a subdirectory of your
target location.

tSAPHanaUnload exports and creates several files in
the subdirectory, including the metadata of the SAP HANA table, the information
about the extracted data, the information about the SAP HANA system, the commands
for file import into SAP HANA, and so on. Be sure to look into the data.csv, which contains the data you need.

You can further use the exported data and send these to a
third-party storage system of your choice.

Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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