Extracts the latest version or a given snapshot of records from the Delta Lake layer of your Data Lake system and
sends the data to the next component for further processing.
This Delta Lake layer is built on top of your Data Lake system, thus to be connected as part of your Data
Lake system using the configuration component corresponding to your Data Lake system, for
example, tAzureFSCofiguration.
tDeltaLakeInput properties for Apache Spark Batch
These properties are used to configure tDeltaLakeInput running in the Spark Batch Job framework.
The Spark Batch
tDeltaLakeInput component belongs to the Technical family.
The component in this framework is available in all subscription-based Talend products with Big Data
and Talend Data Fabric.
Basic settings
Define a storage configuration |
Select the configuration component to be used to provide the configuration If you leave this check box clear, the target file system is the local The configuration component to be used must be present in the same Job. |
Property type |
Either Built-In or Repository. |
Built-In: No property data stored centrally. |
Repository: Select the repository file where the The properties are stored centrally under the Hadoop The fields that come after are pre-filled in using the fetched For further information about the Hadoop |
Schema and Edit |
A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields Click Edit
Spark automatically infers |
Built-In: You create and store the schema locally for this component |
Repository: You have already created the schema and stored it in the |
Folder/File |
Browse to, or enter the path pointing to the data to be used in the file system. If the path you set points to a folder, this component will
read all of the files stored in that folder, for example, /user/talend/in; if sub-folders exist, the sub-folders are automatically ignored unless you define the property spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.input.dir.recursive to be true in the Advanced properties table in theSpark configuration tab.
If you want to specify more than one files or directories in this The button for browsing does not work with the Spark tHDFSConfiguration |
Specify Time Travel timestamp |
Select this check box to read a given timestamp-defined snapshot of the The format used by Deltalake is Delta Lake systematically creates slight differences between the upload time of a file and the metadata timestamp of this file. Bear in mind these differences when you need to filter data. |
Specify Time Travel version | Select this check box to read a versioned snapshot of the datasets to be used. |
Usage rule |
This component is used as an end component and requires an input link. |
Spark Connection |
In the Spark
Configuration tab in the Run view, define the connection to a given Spark cluster for the whole Job. In addition, since the Job expects its dependent jar files for execution, you must specify the directory in the file system to which these jar files are transferred so that Spark can access these files:
This connection is effective on a per-Job basis. |
Computing the day-over-day evolution of US flights using a related Delta Lake dataset (technical preview)
The Job in this scenario uses a sample Delta Lake dataset to calculate the day-over-day Key Performance Index (KPI) of US flights.

- The filesystem to be used with Delta Lake must be S3, Azure or HDFS.
- Ensure that the credentials to be used have the read/write rights and permissions to this filesystem.
- The sample Delta Lake dataset to be used has been donwload from Talend Help Center and stored on your filesystem.
dataset is used for demonstration purposes only; it contains two snapshots
of US flights per date, implicating the evolution of these flights on each
date.Download tihs dataset from the
Download tab of the online version of this page
at Talend Help Center.
Although not always required, it is recommended to install a Talend Jobserver on the edge node of
your Hadoop cluster. Then in the Preferences
dialog box in your Studio or in Talend Administration Center if available to you to run your Jobs, define this Jobserver as the remote execution
server of your Jobs.
Linking the components to design the flow of Delta Lake data
In the
perspective of the Studio, create an empty Spark Batch Job from the Job
Designs node in the Repository tree view. -
In the workspace, enter the name of the component to be used and select this
component from the list that appears. In this scenario, the components are
tS3Configuration (labeled s3_flights), two tDeltaLakeInput components (labeled flights_latest_version and flights_first_version, respectively), two tAggregateRow components (labeled count_per_flights), two tPartition components (labeled repart), one tMap and one tFileOutputDelimited. - Connect these components using the Row > Main link as the image above presented.
Leave the tS3Configuration component alone
without any connection.
Reading delta data from the filesystem
Configure tDeltaLakeInput to read the different snapshots of the data about US flights so that your Job can then easily calculate the evolution of the flights.
Each snapshot got a version when they were written in the Delta Lake dataset to be used.
- Configure the storage configuration component to be used to provide the connection information to your filesystem. In this example, it is a tS3Configuration
Double click the tDeltaLakeInput component labeled flights_latest_version to open its Component view.
- Select the Select a storage configuration component check box to reuse the connection information defined in tS3Configuration.
- Click Edit schema to open the schema editor. In this editor, define the schema of the input data.
- In the Folder/File field, enter the directory where the flight dataset is stored, in the S3 bucket specified in tS3Configuration.
Do the same to configure the other tDeltaLakeInput component but select the Specify time travel version check box and enter 0 in double quotation marks in the displayed Version field, meaning, in this scenario, to read the first version of the data about US flights.
Without using the time travel feature, tDeltaLakeInput reads the latest snapshot of your data; the time
travel feature allows you to specify the snapshot to be read.
Calculating the flight performance
- Configure each tAggregateRow to calculate the number of flights per date in each version of the Delta Lake dataset.
- Configure each tPartition to group each of the calculation results by date.
Double-click tMap to open the editor to join the calculation results from the two versions to visualize the performance.
Selecting the Spark mode
Depending on the Spark cluster to be used, select a Spark mode for your Job.
The Spark documentation provides an exhaustive list of Spark properties and
their default values at Spark Configuration. A Spark Job designed in the Studio uses
this default configuration except for the properties you explicitly defined in the
Spark Configuration tab or the components
used in your Job.
Click Run to open its view and then click the
Spark Configuration tab to display its view
for configuring the Spark connection. -
Select the Use local mode check box to test your Job locally.
In the local mode, the Studio builds the Spark environment in itself on the fly in order to
run the Job in. Each processor of the local machine is used as a Spark
worker to perform the computations.In this mode, your local file system is used; therefore, deactivate the
configuration components such as tS3Configuration or
tHDFSConfiguration that provides connection
information to a remote file system, if you have placed these components
in your Job.You can launch
your Job without any further configuration. -
Clear the Use local mode check box to display the
list of the available Hadoop distributions and from this list, select
the distribution corresponding to your Spark cluster to be used.This distribution could be:-
For this distribution, Talend supports:
Yarn client
Yarn cluster
For this distribution, Talend supports:
Yarn client
Yarn cluster
For this distribution, Talend supports:
Yarn client
For this distribution, Talend supports:
Yarn client
Yarn cluster
For this distribution, Talend supports:
Yarn client
Yarn cluster
For this distribution, Talend supports:
Yarn cluster
Cloudera Altus
For this distribution, Talend supports:-
Yarn cluster
Your Altus cluster should run on the following Cloud
The support for Altus on Azure is a technical
preview feature. -
As a Job relies on Avro to move data among its components, it is recommended to set your
cluster to use Kryo to handle the Avro types. This not only helps avoid
this Avro known issue but also
brings inherent preformance gains. The Spark property to be set in your
cluster is:
1spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializerIf you cannot find the distribution corresponding to yours from this
drop-down list, this means the distribution you want to connect to is not officially
supported by
. In this situation, you can select Custom, then select the Spark
version of the cluster to be connected and click the
[+] button to display the dialog box in which you can
Select Import from existing
version to import an officially supported distribution as base
and then add other required jar files which the base distribution does not
provide. -
Select Import from zip to
import the configuration zip for the custom distribution to be used. This zip
file should contain the libraries of the different Hadoop/Spark elements and the
index file of these libraries.In
Exchange, members of
community have shared some ready-for-use configuration zip files
which you can download from this Hadoop configuration
list and directly use them in your connection accordingly. However, because of
the ongoing evolution of the different Hadoop-related projects, you might not be
able to find the configuration zip corresponding to your distribution from this
list; then it is recommended to use the Import from
existing version option to take an existing distribution as base
to add the jars required by your distribution.Note that custom versions are not officially supported by
and its community provide you with the opportunity to connect to
custom versions from the Studio but cannot guarantee that the configuration of
whichever version you choose will be easy. As such, you should only attempt to
set up such a connection if you have sufficient Hadoop and Spark experience to
handle any issues on your own.
For a step-by-step example about how to connect to a custom
distribution and share this connection, see Hortonworks.
Writing the flight KPI results in your filesystem
Double-click tFileOutputDelimited (labeled kpi_output) to open its Component view.
- Select Define a storage configuration component check box to reuse the connection information defined in tS3Configuration.
- Click Sync columns to ensure that the data schema defined in tMap is properly retrieved by tFileOutputDelimited.
In the Folder field, enter the directory in which you
want to store the calculated KPI results, in the S3 bucket defined in
tS3Configuration. -
From the Action drop-down list, select
Create if the folder to be used does not exist yet;
otherwise, select Overwrite. -
Select the Include Header to output the column names
with the calculation results. -
Select the Merge result to single file to merge the
part files into one single file and in the
Merge File Path field that is displayed, enter the
directory and the filename in which the merged data is written, in the same S3
bucket. -
If the target file exists already, select Override target
file. - In the Run tab, click Run to execute the Job.
the KPI information of the US flights.