July 30, 2023

tGoogleDrivePut – Docs for ESB 7.x


Uploads data from a data flow or a local file to Google Drive.

tGoogleDrivePut Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tGoogleDrivePut running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard
tGoogleDrivePut component belongs to the Cloud family.

The component in this framework is available in all Talend

Basic settings

Property Type

Select the way the connection details
will be set.

  • Built-In: The connection details will be set
    locally for this component. You need to specify the values for all
    related connection properties manually.

  • Repository: The connection details stored
    centrally in Repository > Metadata will be reused by this component. You need to click
    the […] button next to it and in the pop-up
    Repository Content dialog box, select the
    connection details to be reused, and all related connection
    properties will be automatically filled in.

This property is not available when other connection component is selected
from the Connection Component drop-down list.

Connection Component

Select the component that opens the database connection to be reused by this

Application Name

The application name required by Google Drive to get access to its

OAuth Method

Select an OAuth method used to
access Google Drive from the drop-down list.

  • Access Token (deprecated):
    uses an access token to access Google Drive.

  • Installed Application (Id &
    : uses the client ID and client secret created through Google
    API Console to access Google Drive. For more information about this method, see
    Google Identity Platform > Installed

  • Installed Application
    : uses the client secret JSON file that is created through Google
    API Console and contains the client ID, client secret, and other OAuth 2.0
    parameters to access Google Drive.

  • Service Account: uses a
    service account JSON file created through Google API Console to access Google Drive.
    For more information about this method, see Google Identity Platform > Service

For more detailed information about how to access Google Drive using
each method, see OAuth methods for accessing Google Drive.

Access Token

The access token generated through Google Developers OAuth 2.0

This property is available only when Access
is selected from the OAuth
drop-down list.

Client ID and Client Secret

The client ID and client secret.

These two properties are available only when Installed Application (Id & Secret) is selected from the OAuth Method drop-down list.

Client Secret JSON

The path to the client secret JSON file.

This property is available only when Installed Application (JSON) is selected from the OAuth Method drop-down list.

Service Account JSON

The path to the service account JSON file.

This property is available only when Service
is selected from the OAuth
drop-down list.

Use Proxy

Select this check box when you are working behind a proxy. With this
check box selected, you need to specify the value for the following parameters:

  • Host: The IP address of the
    HTTP proxy server.

  • Port: The port number of the
    HTTP proxy server.


Select this check box if an SSL connection is used to access Google
Drive. With this check box selected, you need to specify the value for the following

  • Algorithm: The name of the
    SSL cryptography algorithm.

  • Keystore File: The path to
    the certificate TrustStore file that contains the list of certificates the client

  • Password: The password used
    to check the integrity of the TrustStore data.

File Name

The name for the file after being uploaded.

Destination Folder

The name or ID of the folder in which uploaded data will be

Access Method

Select the method by which the destination folder is specified, either
by Name or by Id.

Replace if Existing

Select this check box to overwrite any existing file with the
newly uploaded one.

Upload Mode

Select one of the following upload modes from the drop-down list:

  • Upload Incoming content as File: Select this
    option to upload data from an input flow of the preceding component.

  • Upload Local File: Select this option to upload
    data from a local file. In the File field
    displayed, specify the path to the file to be uploaded.

  • Expose As OutputStream: Select this option to
    expose output stream of this component, which can be used by other
    components to write the file content. For example, you can use the
    Use Output Stream feature of the
    tFileOutputDelimited component to feed a given
    tGoogleDrivePut‘s exposed output stream. For
    more information, see tFileOutputDelimited.

Schema and Edit schema

A schema is a row description, and
it defines the fields to be processed and passed on to the next component.

The schema of this component is read-only. You can click the
[…] button next to Edit schema to view the predefined schema which
contains the following fields:

  • content: The content of the uploaded data.

  • parentFolderId: The ID of the parent folder.

  • fileId: The ID of the file.

Advanced settings

DataStore Path

The path to the
credential file that stores the refresh token.

Note: When your
client ID, client secret, or any other configuration related to the Installed
Application authentication changes, you need to delete this credential file manually
before running your Job again.

This property is available
only when Installed Application (Id &
or Installed Application
is selected from the OAuth
drop-down list.

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to gather the Job processing metadata at the Job level
as well as at each component level.

Global Variables


The error message generated by the component when an error occurs. This is an After
variable and it returns a string.


The ID of the parent folder. This is an After variable and it returns a string.


The ID of the file. This is an After variable and it returns a string.


Usage rule

This component can be used as a standalone component to upload a local file to Google
Drive or an end component to upload data from an input flow of the
preceding component to Google Drive.

Managing files with Google Drive

This scenario describes a Job that uploads two files to an empty folder
Talend in the root directory of Google Drive, then creates a new
folder Talend Backup in the root directory and copies one of the two
files to the new folder Talend Backup, and finally lists and
displays all files and folders in the root directory of Google Drive on the console.


Creating a Job for managing files with Google Drive

  1. Create a new Job and add a
    tGoogleDriveConnection component, two
    tGoogleDrivePut components, a
    tFileInputRaw component, a
    tGoogleDriveCreate component, a
    tGoogleDriveCopy component, a
    tGoogleDriveList component, and five
    tLogRow components to the Job.


  2. Link the first tGoogleDrivePut component to the first
    tLogRow component using a Row > Main connection.
  3. Do the same to link the tFileInputRaw component to the
    second tGoogleDrivePut component, the second
    tGoogleDrivePut component to the second
    tLogRow component, the
    tGoogleDriveCreate component to the third
    tLogRow component, the
    tGoogleDriveCopy component to the fourth
    tLogRow component, the
    tGoogleDriveList component to the fifth
    tLogRow component.
  4. Link the tGoogleDriveConnection component to the first tGoogleDrivePut component using a Trigger > On Subjob Ok connection.
  5. Do the same to link the first tGoogleDrivePut component to the
    tFileInputRaw component, the
    tFileInputRaw component to the tGoogleDriveCreate component, the tGoogleDriveCreate component to the tGoogleDriveCopy component, and the tGoogleDriveCopy component to the tGoogleDriveList component.

Opening a connection to Google Drive

Configure the tGoogleDriveConnection component to connect to Google Drive using a
client secret JSON file.

  1. Double-click the tGoogleDriveConnection
    component to open its Basic settings view in the
    Component tab.


  2. In the Application Name field, enter the application name
    required by Google Drive to get access to its API. In this example, it is
  3. Select Installed Application (JSON) from the
    OAuth Method drop-down list.
  4. In the Client Secret JSON field, specify the path to the
    client secret JSON file you have generated,
    D:/client_secret.json in this example.

Uploading files to Google Drive

  1. Double-click the first tGoogleDrivePut
    component to open its Basic settings view in
    the Component tab.


  2. Select the component that will create the Google Drive connection from the
    Connection Component drop-down list,
    tGoogleDriveConnection_1 in this example.
  3. Select by Name from the Access Method
    drop-down list and in the Destination Folder field, enter the
    name of the folder in which the file will be uploaded, Talend
    in this example.

    Note: When accessing a Google Drive resource by its name, if the name matches more
    than one resource, an error will be thrown because the resource cannot be
    identified precisely. In this case, you can specify the Google Drive resource
    using a pseudo path hierarchy, like /Talend/Documentation.
    This example specifies a folder named Documentation under
    the folder Talend under the Google Drive
    root folder.

  4. In the File Name field, enter the name for the file after
    being uploaded. In this example, it is Talend
  5. Select Upload Local File from the Upload Mode drop-down list and in the File field, browse to or enter the path to the file to
    be uploaded. In this example, it is D:/Downloads/Talend
  6. Double-click the tFileInputRaw component and on its
    Basic settings view, select Read the file as a
    bytes array
    in the Mode area and specify the
    path to the file whose content will be uploaded in the
    Filename field, D:/Downloads/Talend
    in this example.
  7. Double-click the second tGoogleDrivePut component to open
    its Basic settings view in the Component tab.


  8. Repeat step 2 to step 3 to configure this component.
  9. In the File Name field, enter the name for the file after
    being uploaded. In this example, it is Talend
  10. Select Upload Incoming content as File from the
    Upload Mode drop-down list.

Creating a new folder in Google Drive

  1. Double-click tGoogleDriveCreate to open its Basic
    view in the Component


  2. Select the component that will create the Google Drive connection from the
    Connection Component drop-down list, tGoogleDriveConnection_1
    in this example.
  3. In the Parent Folder field,
    enter the name of the folder in which a new folder will be created. In this example,
    it is root.
  4. In the New Folder Name
    field, enter the name of the folder to be created. In this example, it is
    Talend Backup.
  5. Double-click the third tLogRow component to open its Basic
    view in the Component
  6. In the Mode area, select
    Vertical (each row is a key/value list) for a better
    display of the results.

Copying a file to the newly created folder

  1. Double-click the tGoogleDriveCopy component to open its Basic settings view in the Component tab.


  2. Select the component that will create the Google Drive connection from the
    Connection Component drop-down list, tGoogleDriveConnection_1
    in this example.
  3. Select File from the Copy Mode
    drop-down list.
  4. In the Source field, enter
    the name of the file to be copied. In this example, it is Talend
  5. In the Destination Folder
    field, enter the name of the folder to which the file will be
    copied. In this example, it is Talend Backup.
  6. Select the Rename (set new
    check box and in the Destination
    field, enter a new name for the file after being copied to the
    destination folder. In this example, it is Talend Customers
  7. Double-click the fourth tLogRow component to open its Basic
    view in the Component
  8. In the Mode area, select
    Vertical (each row is a key/value list) for a better
    display of the results.

Listing files and folders in Google Drive

  1. Double-click the tGoogleDriveList component to open its Basic settings view in the Component tab.


  2. Select the component that will create the Google Drive connection from the
    Connection Component drop-down list, tGoogleDriveConnection_1
    in this example.
  3. In the Folder Name field,
    enter the name of the folder in which the files/folders will be listed. In this
    example, it is the root directory of Google Drive and you can use the alias
    root to refer to it.
  4. Select Both from the
    FileList Type drop-down list to list both
    files and folders in the root directory.
  5. Select the Include SubDirectories check box
    to list also the files/folders in the subdirectories.
  6. Double-click the fifth tLogRow component to open its Basic
    view in the Component


  7. In the Mode area, select
    Vertical (each row is a key/value list) for a better
    display of the results.

Saving and executing the Job

  1. Press Ctrl + S to save the
  2. Execute the Job by pressing F6 or clicking Run on the
    Run tab.


    As shown above, two files Talend Products.txt and
    Talend Customers.csv were uploaded to the folder
    Talend, then a new folder Talend
    was created in the root folder and the file
    Talend Customers.csv was copied to the new folder and
    renamed to Talend Customers v1.0.csv, and finally all files
    and folders in the root directory are listed on the console.

Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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