July 30, 2023

tKMeansStrModel – Docs for ESB 7.x


Analyzes incoming datasets in near real-time, based on applying the K-Means

This component analyzes streaming feature vectors to continuously adapt an existing
clustering model to changing circumstances. The incoming data is usually pre-processed
by tModelEncoder and the K-Means model is used by
tPredict to cluster given elements.

It continuously updates a K-Means clustering model out of this
analysis and writes this model either in memory or in a given file

tKMeansStrModel properties for Apache Spark Streaming

These properties are used to configure tKMeansStrModel running in the Spark Streaming Job framework.

The Spark Streaming
tKMeansStrModel component belongs to the Machine Learning family.

This component is available in Talend Real Time Big Data Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

Basic settings

Save on disk

Select this check box to store the clustering model in an HDFS
directory you put in the Path

In this case, you need to enter the time interval (in minutes) at the
end of which the model is saved.

If you clear this check box, your model will be stored in


Select this check box to store the model in a given file system. Otherwise, the model is
stored in memory. The button for browsing does not work with the Spark Local mode; if you are using the Spark Yarn
or the Spark Standalone mode, ensure that you have properly
configured the connection in a configuration component in the same Job, such as tHDFSConfiguration.

In the Path field, enter the HDFS
directory to be used.

This field is available when you select the check boxes used to save a model to or read a model from a file system.

Load a precomputed model from

Select this check box to use an existing K-Means model stored in the
directory you have specified in the Path field. This is the common case when using tKMeansStrModel. In this situation, the following
behaviors can be expected:

  • If you select the Reuse the model
    transformation associated with the model
    check box,
    tKMeansStrModel reuses, along
    with this model to be used, the feature pre-processing
    algorithms that were previously implemented during the creation
    of this model. This reuse allows tKMeansStrModel to directly transform new incoming
    data into K-Means compliant feature vectors and process these
    vectors, without having to wait for another implementation of
    the same algorithms.

    However, with this option activated, you need to check the
    schema of the data that was transformed by these feature
    pre-processing algorithms and ensure that the new input data to
    tKMeansStrModel uses the
    same schema.

    You can simply see this schema in the Job which initially
    implemented these feature pre-processing algorithms.

  • If you clear the Reuse the model
    transformation associated with the model
    check box,
    you need to place one or several tModelEncoder components in front of tKMeansStrModel to transform the incoming
    data to feature vectors required by K-Means. Then select the
    column that provides these feature vectors from the Vector to process drop-down list that is

    For further information about tModelEncoder, see tModelEncoder.

  • If the model to be loaded does not actually exist, tKMeansStrModel will automatically
    initialize 2 clusters to create a K-Means model.

If you clear this Load a precomputed model from
check box, tKMeansStrModel will create a new K-Means model from

Vector to process

Select the input column used to provide feature vectors. Very often,
this column is the output of the feature engineering computations
performed by tModelEncoder.

This list appears when you have cleared either the Load a precomputed model from disk check box
or the Reuse the model transformation associated
with the model
check box.

Size of your feature vector

Enter the size of the feature vectors to be processed from the column
you have selected from the Vector to

Display the vector size

Select this check box to display the feature vectors to be used in the
console of the Run view.

This feature will slow down your Job but is useful when you do not
know what value to be entered in the Size of your
feature vector

Number of clusters (K)

Enter the number of clusters into which you want tKMeansModel to cluster data.

In general, a large number of clusters can decreases errors in
predictions but increases the risk of overfitting.

This field appears when you have cleared the Load a precomputed model from disk check box to create a
K-Means model from scratch.

Decay factor

Enter the decay rate (ranging between 0 and 1) to be applied to
discount the weight of existing points against the new incoming points
in the process of evaluating new cluster centers.

Lower decay rate means more importance to be attached to the new
incoming data. When decay rate is 0,
new cluster centers are determined completely by the new points; when
decay rate is 1, the existing points
and new incoming points are evaluated equally.

Time unit

Select the unit on which the decay rate is applied: point or batch of

Advanced settings

Display the centers after the

Select this check box to output the vectors of the cluster centers
into the console of the Run

This feature is often useful when you need to understand how the
cluster centers move in the process of training your K-Means


Usage rule

This component is used as an end component and requires an input link.

Model evaluation

The parameters you need to set are free parameters and so their values may be provided by
previous experiments, empirical guesses or the like. They do not have any optimal values
applicable for all datasets.

Therefore, you need to train the relationship model you are generating with different sets
of parameter values until you can obtain the best evaluation result. But note that you need
to write the evaluation code yourself to rank your model with scores.

Related scenarios

No scenario is available for the Spark Streaming version of this component

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