July 30, 2023

tLoqateAddressRow – Docs for ESB 7.x


Parses, verifies, cleanses, standardizes, transliterates, and formats international

tLoqateAddressRow enables you to parse structured
or unstructured text into labeled address, it automatically puts address components into
the correct address field. You can compare address data against reference data to ensure
that it is accurate and complete. You can correct spellings, add missing address data
such as city, city area, region or postcode, and enrich address with other elements such
as latitude longitude and other relevant data.

This address management component is the result of Talend collaboration with Loqate, one of the world leaders for high quality,
accurate location information.

For more information about the enterprise and its software tools, please visit http://

This component uses the Loqate Global Knowledge Repository containing definitive
address and geographic reference data for over 240 countries in multiple languages
and character sets.

tLoqateAddressRow uses the
Q2.2 2016 release.

Address fields in tLoqateAddressRow

Some countries have more complex addressing structures than others. As such, the use of
individual fields in this component will vary based on the input country and the available
reference data.

The table below lists all input and output fields in tLoqateAddressRow. The field that can be used on input is designated as [in] ,
[out] designates a field that may be present on output, and [in,out] designates that a field
can be used for both input and output.

Field name


Address [in,out]

used to specify the full mailing address in the relevant country.

Address1, Address2, ... Address12

used to specify input data for the address line in the relevant country, split
into individual address lines.

DeliveryAddress [out]

used to specify the full address including line breaks without the
Organization, Locality, AdministrativeArea
and PostalCode fields.

DeliveryAddress2DeliveryAddress12 [out]

used to specify the individual lines contained within the
DeliveryAddress field.

Country [in]

used to provide the country name or code.

CountryName [out]

used to provide the ISO 3166 official country name.

ISO3166-2 [out]

used to provide the ISO 3166 2-character country code.

ISO3166-3 [out]

used to provide the ISO 3166 3-character country code.

ISO3166-N [out]

used to provide the ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code.

SuperAdministrativeArea [in,out]

used to provide the largest geographic data element within a country.

AdministrativeArea [in,out]

used to provide the most common geographic data element within a country. For
instance, USA State, and Canadian Province.

SubAdministrativeArea [in,out]

used to provide the smallest geographic data element within a country. For
instance, USA County.

Locality [in,out]

used to provide the most common population center data element within a country.
For instance, USA City, Canadian Municipality.

DependentLocality [in,out]

used to provide a smaller population center data element, dependent on the
contents of the Locality field. For instance, Turkish

DoubleDependentLocality [in,out]

used to provide the smallest population center data element, dependent on both
the contents of the Locality and DependentLocality fields.
For instance, UK Village

Thoroughfare [in,out]

used to provide the most common street or block data element within a country.
For instance, USA Street.

DependentThoroughfare [in,out]

used to provide the dependent street or block data element within a country. For
instance, UK Dependent Street.

Building [in,out]

used to provide the descriptive name identifying an individual location, if such
a name exists.

Premise [in,out]

used to provide the alphanumeric code identifying an individual location, if
such a code exists.

SubBuilding [in,out]

used to provide the secondary identifiers for a particular delivery point. For
instance, “FLAT 1” or “SUITE 212”.

PostalCode [in,out]

used to provide the complete postal code for a particular delivery point, if
such detail can be determined.

PostalCodePrimary [out]

used to provide the primary postal code used for a particular country. For
instance, USA Zip, Canadian Postcode, Indian PINcode.

PostalCodeSecondary [out]

used to provide secondary postal code information, if used in a particular
country and if such detail can be determined and reference data is available. For
instance, USA Zip Plus 4.

Organization [in,out]

used to provide the business name associated with a particular delivery point,
if such a name exists.

PostBox [out]

used to provide the post box for a particular delivery point, if it

Unmatched [out]

used to list any words that could not be matched to a particular address

Latitude [out]

used to provide the WGS 84 latitude in decimal degrees format.

Longitude [out]

used to provide the WGS 84 longitude in decimal degrees format.

GeoAccuracy [out]

used to provide the GeoAccuracy code. For further information, see GeoAccuracy Code.

GeoDistance [out]

used to provide the radius of accuracy in meters, giving an indication of the
likely maximum distance between the given geocode and the physical location.

GeoAccuracy Code

The GeoAccuracy code is made up of the
following values :

  • The geocoding status.

  • The geocoding level.

For example, the P3 geoaccuracy code

  • P: a single geocode was found matching the
    input address.

  • 3: the geocode level is Thoroughfare.

The tables below give detail description of the geocoding status and

Geocoding status


P (Point)

a single geocode was found matching the input address.

I (Interpolated)

a geocode was able to be interpolated from the input
addresses location in a range.

A (Average)

multiple candidate geocodes were found to match the input
address, and an average of these was returned.

U (Unable to geocode)

a geocode was not able to be generated for the input

Geocoding level



delivery point (PostBox or SubBuilding).


premises (Premises or Building).






administrative area.



Address verification codes in tLoqateAddressRow

The tLoqateAddressRow component
outputs an ACCURACYCODE column. This column holds the
verification codes for processed addresses.

The verification code is made up of the following values:

Verification code values


The verification status

used to specify the full mailing address in the relevant

The post-processed verification match level.

used to specify input data for the address line in the
relevant country, split into individual address lines.

The pre-processed verification match level

used to specify the full address including line breaks
without the Organization, Locality, AdministrativeArea and PostalCode fields.

The parsing status

used to specify the individual lines contained within the
DeliveryAddress field.

The lexicon identification match level

used to supply the country name or code.

The context identification match level

used to supply the ISO 3166 official country name.

The postcode status

used to supply the ISO 3166 2-character country code.

The matchscore

used to supply the ISO 3166 3-character country code.

For example, the V44-I44-P3-100
verification code implies:

  • Verification status = V (verified): a complete match was made
    between the input address and a single record from the available reference

  • Post-processed verification match level = 4 (premises): the
    level to which the input data matches the available reference data once all
    changes and additions performed during the verification process have been taken
    into account.

  • Pre-processed verification match level = 4 (premises): the level
    to which the input data matches the available reference data prior to any
    changes or additions performed during the verification process.

  • Parsing status = I (identified and parsed): all components of
    the input data have been able to be identified and placed into output

  • Lexicon identification match level = 4 (premises): using pattern
    matching, a numeric value or word has been identified as a premise number or

  • Context identification match level = 4 (premises): using a least
    accurate form of matching, a numeric value or word has been identified as a
    premises number or name.

  • Postcode Status = P3 (added): the primary postal code for the
    country has been added.

  • Match score = 100 (complete similarity): the input data and
    closest reference data match completely.

The following sections explain in more details all segments of the
verification code.

Verification status

The verification status can be one of the followings:



V (Verified)

the address was parsed and an exact match in the reference
data was found for all the address components.

P (Partially Verified)

the reference data has more detail than the input data for
the address. The address was parsed and most of the components of the
address were matched against the reference data.

U (Unverified)

the input data could not be parsed. The output fields will
contain the input data.

A (Ambiguous)

more than one item in the reference data match the input

C (Conflict)

individual address components are valid, but the address is
not valid when combining the components together.

R (Reverted)

the address was parsed and verified but a minimum
acceptable level of verification was not reached. The output fields will
contain the input data.

Post-processed verification match level

The post-processed verification match level gives the level to which the
input data matches the available reference data once all changes and additions performed
during the verification process have been taken into account.

Match level



delivery point (PostBox or SubBuilding).


premises (Premises or Building).






administrative area.



Pre-processed verification match level

The pre-processed verification match level gives the level to which the
input data matches the available reference data prior to any changes or additions
performed during the verification process.

Match level



delivery point (PostBox or SubBuilding).


premises (Premises or Building).






administrative area.



Parsing status

The parsing status can be one of the followings:

  • I (identified and parsed): all input data was identified and placed
    into different address fields.

  • U (unable to parse): not all input data was identified and

Lexicon identification match level

The lexicon identification match level gives the level to which the input
data has some recognized form, through the use of:

  • pattern matching, for example a numeric value could be a
    premises number, and

  • lexicon matching, for example rd
    could be a Thoroughfare type (road) and London could be a

Match level



delivery point (PostBox or SubBuilding).


premises (Premises or Building).






administrative area.



Context identification match level

The context identification match level gives the level to which the input data can be
recognized based on the context in which it appears.

This is the least accurate form of matching and is based on identifying a word as, for
instance, a Thoroughfare based on it being preceded by something that could be
a Premise, and followed by something that could be a Locality, the
latter items being identified through a match against the reference data or the

Match level



delivery point (PostBox or SubBuilding).


premises (Premise or Building).






administrative area.



Postcode status

The postal code status can be of the following values:




PostalCodePrimary and PostalCodeSecondary are verified.


PostalCodePrimary is verified and PostalCodeSecondary is added or changed.


PostalCodePrimary is verified.


PostalCodePrimary is verified with small


PostalCodePrimary is verified with large


PostalCodePrimary is added.


PostalCodePrimary is identified by


PostalCodePrimary is identified by


PostalCodePrimary is empty.

Match score

The match score gives the similarity between the input data and closest reference data
match as a percentage between 0 and 100. 100% means complete similarity.

Process status in tLoqateAddressRow

The tLoqateAddressRow component outputs a
STATUS column. This column holds the status of processing input addresses as
the following:




the process completed normally. The score must be examined
to determine result accuracy.


an exception occurred during processing input records,
normally as a result of malformed input data.


the process could not be completed because the server has
not been initialized.


the input record contains invalid data, often due to the
supply of non-UTF8/Unicode data.

tLoqateAddressRow Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tLoqateAddressRow running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard
tLoqateAddressRow component belongs to the Data Quality family.

This component is available in Talend Data Management Platform, Talend Big Data Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

Basic settings


A schema is a row description, it defines the number of fields to be processed
and passed on to the next component. The schema is either Built-in or stored remotely in the Repository.


Built-in: You create the schema and store it
locally for this component only. Related topic: see
Talend Studio User


Repository: You have already created the schema
and stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it in various projects and job
designs. Related topic: see
Talend Studio User

Edit Schema

Click the […] button and define the input and
output schema of the address data.

Make sure to define in the output schema all columns necessary to output the
formatted data you want to get from tLoqateAddressRow.

Input Address

Address field: add lines to the table and
select from the component predefined list the fields that will hold the input

tLoqateAddressRow provides a long list of
individual fields because some countries have more complex addressing structures
than others. For further information about the input fields, see Address fields in tLoqateAddressRow.

Input Column: add lines to the table and select
from the list the columns that hold the input address. The input schema can have one
or multiple columns and can have columns that do not represent address data.

Output Address

Address field: add lines to the table and
select from the component predefined list the fields that will hold the output
address. The component will map the values of these fields to the output columns you
set in the table.

tLoqateAddressRow provides a long list of
individual fields because some countries have more complex addressing structures
than others. For further information about the output fields, see Address fields in tLoqateAddressRow.

Output Column: add lines to the table and
select from the list the columns that will hold the output address.

If you select to have an output column in the Output
table that has the exact name of an input column, the input
column value will be overwritten by the value given by tLoqateAddressRow.

In the output schema, there are two output standard columns that are read-only:

STATUS: returns the status of processing input addresses. For
further information about process status, see Process status in tLoqateAddressRow.

ACCURACYCODE: returns the verification code for the processed
address. For further information about what values this code is made up of and the
implications of each segment, see Address verification codes in tLoqateAddressRow.

Loqate Data Path

Set the path to the Loqate Global Knowledge Repository provided by Loqate and
installed locally.

You must order and download the Loqate Local API and the Global Knowledge
Repository from http:// www.loqate.com/. tLoqateAddressRow uses the Q2.2 2016 release.

Advanced settings

Server options

Set the server options as the following:

Address Line Separator: define the string
which will separate the output address components within the output address fields.
The default separator is the line break string (<BR>).

Default Country: select the country name for
which the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code should be used when parsing data and if no
identifiable country is found in an input record.

Forced Country: select the country name for
which the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code should be used for all input records when parsing

Output Script: use this option to
transliterate the output address.

Select Latin to encode the parsing results in
Latin, or western characters.

Select Native to encode the parsing results
using the country script.

Below is a list of the character sets (scripts) and languages tLoqateAddressRow can transliterate:

Latn – Latin (Western characters),

Cyrl – Cyrillic (Russia),

Grek – Greek (Greece)

Hebr – Hebrew (Israel),

Hani – Kanji (Japan),

Hans – simplified Chinese (China),

Arab – Arabic (United Arab Emirates),

Thai – Thai (Thailand),

Hang – Hangul (South Korea),

Native – output in the native script wherever possible.

Minimum match score: specify the minimum match
score a record must reach in order not to be reverted. The default value is zero,
and valid values are between zero and 100.

This option is very helpful when you want to get, in the output fields, the
input data if a specific level of verification (minimum match score) was not


Select this check box to collect log data at the component level.

Global Variables

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component is an intermediary step. It requires an input and output

Installing the Loqate Local API

Before being able to use the tLoqateRowAddress
component, you must install the Loqate Local API.
  1. Download and run the Loqate Local API installer.

    Starting from Loqate release 2018Q1, the installation path must not contain
    spaces. For more information, see https://support.loqate.com/getting-started/installers/local-api-install-process/.
  2. After the Loqate Local API has been installed successfully, run the Loqate
    Install Manager and enter your license key to download and install the Loqate
    data packs.

  3. Add the Loqate installation path to the Path environment variable.

    If the Path environment variable is not properly configured, the following
    error is displayed when running a Job using
    tLoqateAddressRow: Ifjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
    C:Loqatelqtjava.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
  4. Restart Talend Studio.

Parsing addresses against Loqate data

This scenario applies only to Talend Data Management Platform, Talend Big Data Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

This scenario describes a three-component Job that:

  • uses the tFixedFlowInput component
    to generate the address data to be analyzed,
  • uses the tLoqateAddressRow
    component to parse, standardize and format the US addresses generated by the
    tFixedFlowInput component,
  • uses a tFileOutputExcel component
    to output the correct formatted addresses in an .xsl file.

Before being able to use the tLoqateAddressRow component, you must order and download the Loqate
Local API and the Global Knowledge Repository from http:// www.loqate.com/.
tLoqateAddressRow uses the Q2.2 2016

Setting up the Job

  1. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace: tFixedFlowInput, tLoqateAddressRow and tFileOutputExcel.
  2. Connect the three components together using the Main links.

Configuring the input component

  1. Double-click tFixedFlowInput to open its
    Basic settings view in the Component tab.


  2. Create the schema through the Edit Schema

    In the open dialog box, click the plus button and add the columns that will
    hold the information in the input address, in this example:
    address_input, COUNTRY and
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Number of rows field, set the number
    of rows as 1.
  5. In the Mode area, select the Use Inline Content (delimited file) option, and set
    the row and field separators in the corresponding fields.
  6. In the Content table, enter the address data
    you want to analyze, for example:

Configuring the tLoqateAddressRow component

  1. Double-click tLoqateAddressRow to display the
    Basic settings view and define the
    component properties.


  2. Click the Edit schema button and define in
    the output schema all the columns necessary to hold the formatted address you
    want to get from tLoqateAddressRow.


    Two output columns are read-only:
    ACCURACYCODE. The first column returns the status of processing
    input addresses. For further information about process status, see Process status in tLoqateAddressRow. The second
    column returns the verification code for the processed address. For further
    information about what values this code is made up of and the implications of
    each segment, see Address verification codes in tLoqateAddressRow.
    In this example, using the same address-input
    column in the output schema will output the input address. This could be helpful
    to compare how the address elements were parsed and standardized.
  3. Click OK and accept to propagate the
  4. In the Input Address table:

    • add lines in the table,

    • in the Address Field column, click a
      line and select from the list, predefined in the component, the fields
      that hold the input address, Address
      and Country in this example.

    • in the Input Column column, click a
      line and select from the list of the input schema the columns that hold
      the input address, address-input and
      COUNTRY in this example.

  5. In the Output Address table:

    • add lines in the table,

    • in the Address Field column, click a
      line and select from the list, predefined in the component, the fields
      that will hold the output address.

      The component will map the values of these fields to the output
      columns you set in this table.

      tLoqateAddressRow provides a long
      list of individual fields because some countries have more complex
      addressing structures than others. For further information about the
      output fields, see Address fields in tLoqateAddressRow.

    • in the Output Column column, click a
      line and select from the list the columns that will hold the
      standardized output address.

  6. In the Loqate Data Path field, set the path
    to the Loqate data folder provided by Loqate and installed locally.

Setting a JVM argument and finalizing the Job

  1. Double-click the tFileOutputExcel component
    to display the Basic settings view and define
    the component properties.


  2. Set the destination file name as well as the sheet name and then select the
    Include header and Define all columns auto size check boxes.
  3. Click the Run tab and then in the open view
    click Advanced settings.


  4. Select the Use specific JVM arguments check
    box and then click New….
  5. In the pop-up window, set the following JVM argument: -Djava.library.path=<path/to/lqtjava.dll/folder/>.

    In this argument, you must indicate the folder where the
    loqate library, called liblqtjava.so on Linux or
    lqtjava.dll on Windows, is installed.
    Without the correct JVM argument setting, the following error
    is to be expected: java.lang.Error:
  6. Save your Job and press F6 to execute

    tLoqateAddressRow reads the input address
    data. It parses, verifies, cleanses, standardizes addresses and gives the result
    in the output rows you defined in the output schema.

    tLoqateAddressRow matches input address
    data against the Loqate data file you downloaded locally.
    The STATUS standard output column returns the psOKstatus for all address rows. This means that
    the verification process of all address rows could be completed successfully by
    the component. For further information about process status, see Process status in tLoqateAddressRow.
    The ACCURACYCODE standard output column returns a verification
    code for each of the processed address rows. For example, the first verification
    code V44-I45-P7-100 means:

    • Verification status = V (verified): a complete match was made between
      the input address and a single record from the available reference
    • Post-processed verification match level = 4 (premises): the level to
      which the input data matches the available reference data once all
      changes and additions performed during the verification process have
      been taken into account.
    • Pre-processed verification match level = 4 (premises): the level to
      which the input data matches the available reference data prior to any
      changes or additions performed during the verification process.
    • Parsing status = I (identified and parsed): all components of the input
      data have been able to be identified and placed into output fields.
    • Lexicon identification match level = 4 (premises): using pattern
      matching, a numeric value or word has been identified as a premises
      number or name.
    • Context identification match level = 5 (delivery point, PostBox or
      SubBuilding): a numeric value or word has been identified as a post box
      number or sub building name.
    • Postcode Status = P7 (added): the primary postal code for the country
      has been verified and a secondary postal code has been added.
    • Match score = 100 (complete similarity): the input data and closest
      reference data match completely.
    For further information about what values this code is made up
    of and the implications of each segment, see Address verification codes in tLoqateAddressRow.

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