July 30, 2023

tMDMViewSearch – Docs for ESB 7.x


Retrieves the MDM records from an MDM hub by applying filtering criteria you have
created in a specific view and puts out results in XML structure.

For more information on a view on which you can define filtering
criteria, see Talend Studio User Guide.

tMDMViewSearch Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tMDMViewSearch running in the Standard Job

The Standard
tMDMViewSearch component belongs to the Talend MDM family.

The component in this framework is available in all Talend

Basic settings

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description, it defines the
number of fields that will be processed and passed on to the next component.
The schema is either Built-in or remote in the Repository.

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

Click Sync columns to collect the schema from the previous


Built-in: You create the
schema and store it locally for this component only. Related topic: see
Talend Studio
User Guide


Repository: You have
already created the schema and stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it in
various projects and job designs. Related topic: see
Talend Studio
User Guide

XML Field

Select the name of the column in which you want
to write the XML data.

Use an existing connection Select this check box if you want to use a configured

MDM version

By default, Server 6.0 is selected. Although it is
recommended to migrate existing Jobs for this new version, the Server 5.6 option is available
to ease the process of the migration of your Jobs so as to keep them working
without modification with a 6.0 server. To do so, an option on the server must
be enabled to accept and translate requests from such Jobs.


Type in the URL of the MDM server.

Username and Password

Type in the user authentication data for the
MDM server.

To enter the password, click the […] button next to the
password field, and then in the pop-up dialog box enter the password between double quotes
and click OK to save the settings.

Data Container

Type in the name of the data container that
holds the master data you want to read.


Select Master or Staging to specify the database on which the
action should be performed.

View Name

Type in the name of the view whose filters will
be applied to process the records.


Complete this table to create the WHERE clause.
The parameters to be set are:

  • Xpath: Enter between quotes the path and the XML node to which you want to
    apply the condition.

  • Function: Select an operator to be used from the list. The following
    operators are available:

    • Contains:
      Returns a result which contains the word or words entered. Note that full text search
      does not support special characters, for example, @, #, $.
    • Contains the
      : Returns one or more results which contain the sentence
    • Joins With:
      This operator is reserved for future use.
    • Starts With:
      Returns a result which begins with the string entered.
    • Equal:
      Returns a result which matches the value entered.
    • Not Equal:
      Returns a result of any value other than the null value and the value entered.
    • is greater
      : Returns a result which is greater than the numerical value entered.
      Applies to number fields only.
    • is greater or
      : Returns a result which is greater than or equal to the numerical
      value entered. Applies to number fields only.
    • is lower
      : Returns a result which is less than the numerical value entered.
      Applies to number fields only.
    • is lower or
      : Returns a result which is less than or equal to the numerical value
      entered. Applies to number fields only.
    • whole content
      : Performs a plain text search using the specified Xpath field in the selected data
      container. If you enter an empty string “” in the Xpath field and select whole content contains from the Function list, searches will be performed in all the
      fields of all entities in the selected data container.
    • is empty or
      : Returns an empty field or a null value.

    Before using the conditions, bear in mind the

    • Depending on the type of field the Xpath points to, only certain operators
      apply. For example, if the field is a boolean, only the Equal or Not Equal
      operators are appropriate.

    • Searches in the master database support both full
      text search and standard SQL search, while searches in the staging database only
      support standard SQL search. For more information about how to manage database search
      modes, see Talend
      Installation and Upgrade Guide

    • Standard SQL search considers the search content as
      an integrate phrase to be matched, while full text search interprets the search
      content as a phrase which contains multiple words, and the records that match any of
      the words will be returned. For example, if the search content is “test first name”,
      full text search considers it as three independent words “test”, “first”, and “name”,
      while standard SQL search considers it as one phrase “test first name”.

    • The operator Not
      does not support multi-occurrence fields or complex type fields.

  • Value: enter the value you want to retrieve. The value can
    be a string (for example, “Apple”), an Entity element (for example,
    “Product/Name”) or a user-based variable (for example,
    “${user_context.language” or “${user_context.properties[‘location’]}”).

    Warning: The vaue of each
    parameter is case sensitive.
  • Predicate: Select a predicate from the drop-down list.

    The predicates
    none (default), or, and, and Not are now available for use. The other predicates are
    reserved for future.

    • none
      (default): is interpreted as and by
    • or: returns a
      record if any of the conditions separated by it is true.
    • and: returns
      a record if all the conditions separated by it are true.
    • Not: returns a record if the
      condition on which it is defined is not true.
    Note: The or predicate is interpreted only if it is defined on all
    conditions, except the last condition. Otherwise the or predicate
    is always interpreted as and. For more information, see the related
    description of behaviors of filters using multiple conditions and predicates in Talend
    MDM on Talend Help Center (https://help.talend.com).
  • Active (boolean
    type): select a value from the drop-down list, True, False, or
    Custom, which controls whether to
    activate the filtering criteria when performing a view search. By default,
    the value is True, which means the
    filtering criteria is activated. If Custom is selected, you need to define a customized value in
    the Custom Active column cell.
  • Custom Active:
    enter the customized value of the Active parameter. The customized value takes effect only
    when Custom is selected from the
    Active column cell drop-down
    list. It could be a context variable, which defines the value of the
    Active parameter dynamically at

Order (One Row)

Complete this table to decide the presentation
order of the retrieved records. The parameters to be set are:

  • XPath: define the path expression to select the XML node at
    which point the sorting operation is performed.
  • Order: select the presentation order that may be asc (ascending) or

  • The parameters are case sensitive.
  • For the time being, only the first row created in the
    Order table is valid.

Spell Threshold

Set it to -1 to deactivate this threshold.
This threshold is used to decide the spell checking level.

Skip Rows

Type in the count of rows to be ignored to
specify from which row the process should begin. For example, if you type 8 in the field, the process will begin
from the 9th row.

Max Rows

Type in the maximum number of rows to be
processed. If Limit = 0, no row is read or processed. By default, the limit is
-1, meaning that no limit is set.

Advanced settings

Batch Size

Number of lines in each processed batch. By
default, the batch size is set to -1,
meaning that all the lines are processed in one batch.

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to gather the processing
metadata at the Job level as well as at each component level.

Global Variables

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

NB_LINE: the number of rows processed. This is an After
variable and it returns an integer.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

Use this component to retrieve specific

You can increase the timeout values for a Job using this component
to help process a large number of data records. For more information, see advanced
execution settings for JVM parameters in the article Timeout values for a Job using
MDM components
on Talend Help Center (https://help.talend.com).


Outgoing links (from this component to

Row: Iterate

Trigger: Run if; On
Component Ok; On Component Error, On Subjob Ok, On Subjob Error.

Incoming links (from one component to this

Row: Iterate;

Trigger: Run if, On
Component Ok, On Component Error, On Subjob Ok, On Subjob Error

For further information regarding
connections, see
Talend Studio
User Guide

Retrieving records from an MDM hub via an existing view

This scenario applies only to Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

This scenario describes a two-component Job that retrieves a data record in XML


In this example, you will select the T-Shirt information from
the Product entity via the Browse_items_Product view created from
Talend Studio
. Each record in the entity contains the details defined as filtering criteria: Id, Name, Description and Price.

  • From the Palette, drop tMDMViewSearch and tLogRow onto the design

  • Connect the components using a Row Main link.

  • Double-click tMDMViewSearch to view its Basic settings, in the Component
    tab and set the component properties.

  • In the Schema list, select Built-In and click the three-dot button next to Edit
    to open a dialog box in which you can define the structure of the XML
    data you want to write in.

  • Click the plus button and add one column of the type String. Name the column as Tshirt.

  • Click OK to validate your creation and proceed to the
    next step.

  • In the XML Field field, select
    Tshirt as the column you will write the retrieved data in.

  • Use your MDM server address in the URL field and type in the
    corresponding connection data in the Username and the Password fields.

  • In the Data Container field, type in the container
    name: Product.

  • In the View Name field, type in the view name: Browse_items_Product.

  • Below the Operations table, click the plus button to
    add one row in this table.

  • In the Operations table, define the XPath as Product/Name, meaning that the filtering operation will be performed at the
    Name node, then select Contains in the Function column and type in Tshirt in the Value

  • Below the Order (One Row) table, click the plus
    button to add one row in this table.

  • In the Order (One Row) table, define the XPath as Product/Id and select the asc order for the Order

  • In the design workspace, click tLogRow to open its
    Basic settings view and set the properties.

  • Next to the three-dot button used for editing schema, click Sync
    to acquire the schema from the preceding component.

  • Press F6 to execute the Job.


In the console docked in the Run view, you can read the
retrieved Tshirt records in XML structure, which are sorted in the
ascending order.

Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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