Component Family |
File/Output |
Function |
tFileOutputPositional writes a If you have subscribed to one of the Talend solutions with Big Data, you are |
Purpose |
It writes a file row by row, according to the data structure |
Basic settings |
Property type |
Either Built-in or Repository. |
Built-in: No property data stored |
Repository: Select the repository |
Use existing dynamic |
Select this check box to reuse an existing dynamic schema to When this check box is selected, a Component |
Use Output Stream |
Select this check box process the data flow of interest. Once you The data flow to be processed must be added to the flow in order This variable could be already pre-defined in your Studio or In order to avoid the inconvenience of hand writing, you could For further information about how to use a stream, see Scenario 2: Reading data from a remote file in streaming mode. |
File Name |
Name or path to the file to be processed and or the variable to be This field becomes unavailable once you have selected the For further information about how to define and use a variable in |
Schema |
A schema is a row description, that is to say, it defines the Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the
This component offers the advantage of the dynamic schema feature. This allows you to This dynamic schema feature is designed for the purpose of retrieving unknown columns |
Built-in: You create and store |
Repository: You have already |
Row separator |
Enter the separator used to identify the end of a row. |
Append |
Select this check box to add the new rows at the end of the |
Include header |
Select this check box to include the column header to the |
Compress as zip file |
Select this check box to compress the output file in zip |
Formats |
Customize the positional file data format and fill in the columns Column: Select the column you Size: Enter the column Padding char: Type in between Alignment: Select the appropriate
Keep: If the data in the column or |
Advanced settings |
Advanced separator (for numbers) |
Select this check box to modify the separators used for Thousands separator: define Decimal separator: define |
Use byte length as the cardinality |
Select this check box to add support of double-byte character to |
Create directory if not exists |
This check box is selected by default. It creates a directory to |
Custom the flush buffer size |
Select this check box to define the number of lines to write Row Number: set the number of |
Output in row mode |
Writes in row mode. |
Encoding |
Select the encoding from the list or select Custom and |
Don’t generate empty file |
Select this check box if you do not want to generate empty |
tStatCatcher Statistics |
Select this check box to gather the Job processing metadata at a |
Dynamic settings |
Click the [+] button to add a row in the table and fill the The Dynamic settings table is available only when the For more information on Dynamic settings and context |
Global Variables |
NB_LINE: the number of rows read by an input component or ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl + For further information about variables, see Talend Studio |
Usage |
Use this component to read a file and separate the fields using |
Log4j |
The activity of this component can be logged using the log4j feature. For more information on this feature, see Talend Studio User For more information on the log4j logging levels, see the Apache documentation at http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/Level.html. |
The information in this section is only for users that have subscribed to one of
the Talend solutions with Big Data and is not applicable to
Talend Open Studio for Big Data users.
In a Talend Map/Reduce Job, tFileOutputPositional, as well as the whole Map/Reduce Job using it,
generates native Map/Reduce code. This section presents the specific properties of
tFileOutputPositional when it is used in that
situation. For further information about a Talend Map/Reduce Job, see the Talend Big Data Getting Started Guide.
Component family |
MapReduce/Output |
Basic settings |
Property type |
Either Built-in or Repository. |
Built-in: No property data stored |
Repository: reuse properties The fields that come after are pre-filled in using the fetched For further information about the Hadoop |
![]() |
Click this icon to open a database connection wizard and store the database connection For more information about setting up and storing database connection parameters, see |
Schema and Edit |
A schema is a row description, it defines the number of fields Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the
Built-in: The schema will be |
Repository: The schema already |
Folder |
Browse to, or enter the directory in HDFS where the data you need to use is. This path must point to a folder rather than a file, because a Note that you need |
Action |
Select an operation for writing data: Create: Creates a file and write Overwrite: Overwrites the file |
Compress the data |
Select the Compress the data check box to compress the Hadoop provides different compression formats that help reduce the space needed for |
Formats |
Customize the positional file data format and fill in the columns Column: Select the column you Size: Enter the column Padding char: Type in between Alignment: Select the appropriate
Keep: If the data in the column or |
Global Variables |
ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl + For further information about variables, see Talend Studio |
Usage |
In a Talend Map/Reduce Job, it is used as an end component and requires Once a Map/Reduce Job is opened in the workspace, tFileOutputPositional as well as the Note that in this documentation, unless otherwise explicitly stated, a scenario presents |
Hadoop Connection |
You need to use the Hadoop Configuration tab in the This connection is effective on a per-Job basis. |
For a related scenario, see Scenario: Regex to Positional file.
For scenario about the usage of Use Output Stream
check box, see Scenario 2: Utilizing Output Stream to save filtered data to a local file.