August 17, 2023

tLaunchDQReports – Docs for ESB 5.x



tLaunchDQReports has been deprecated and replaced by the
tDqReportRun component that functions more efficiently.
tLaunchDQReports will continue to function in the Jobs
you import from older releases but it has been hidden in the Studio Palette and removed to the Deprecated
family. It might be definitely removed in future releases.

tLaunchDQReports properties

Component family

Data Quality



tLaunchDQReports launches
existing reports in Talend Activity Monitoring Console
without having to open Talend Studio. It does the same action as the
Generate report file menu
item in Talend Studio.


The tLaunchDQReports
component is kept only for backward compatibility. Where
possible, use tDqReportRun
instead. For further information, see tDqReportRun.


tLaunchDQReports can communicate
with Talend Studio in order to launch an analysis and
save the results of the analysis in a database. Using this
component, you can launch the generation of all types of reports:
pdf, XML, or HTML.

For information about how to generate a report file, see
Talend Studio User

Basic settings

Talend Data Quality executable file

Type in or copy-paste the path to the studio executable file (the
.exe file used to launch your


Project Directory

Type in or copy-paste the path to the project which the report of
interests belongs to.


Report filenames

Type in or copy-paste the relative technical file path of the
report to be generated. You can set several report filenames
separated by commas.


You can display the relative technical file path of the report
you want to generate in the Detail
area below DQ
tree view in the Profiling perspective of your
Studio when you select the relevant report in the tree

Advanced settings


Select this check box to collect log data at the component

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see Talend Studio
User Guide.


This component is used as a stand-alone component to launch


You are recommended to generate a launching-report Job using
this component automatically from the DQ
tree view in the Profiling perspective of your
Studio. For further information about how to generate this Job
automatically, see Talend Studio User


In order to be executable, a Job containing this component
must have an access to the Talend Studio executable file. If the Job
is to be used in a jobserver, the latter needs to access the
Talend Studio executable file.



Scenario: Remotely launching a report from a given Talend Administration Center Web


You would want to use the tDqReportRun component
in place of tLaunchDQReports which is kept only for
backward compatibility.

This scenario shows the collaborative operations performed to execute remotely an
established launching-report Job from a given Talend Administration Center Web
application. To do this, you need to commit all of the required metadata to the remote
SVN repository used by this given Talend Administration Center Web
application and need to install an execution server on the system hosting your


Before starting this scenario, proceed as follows to set up the

  1. Create a project from your Talend Administration Center Web application. The collaborative operations
    for launching a report will be performed in this project. In this scenario,
    this project is called test_ychen.

    For further information about how to create a project on the
    Talend Administration Center Web application, see
    Talend Administration Center User Guide.


    If you have not the required rights to create or manage a project, see
    the administrator of your Talend Administration Center Web application.

  2. Establish a connection from your Studio to the remote SVN repository
    storing the above-mentioned project.

    For further information about how to create the connection of this kind,
    see Talend Studio User

  3. Launch your Studio using this new connection and the new project created.
    For further information about how to launch the Studio in this way, see
    Talend Studio User

  4. In the Profiling perspective
    of your Studio, create a report which will be launched and generated
    remotely in this scenario. In this scenario, it is


    For further information about how to create a report in the Profiling perspective, see Talend Studio
    User Guide

  5. In the report editor in the Profiling perspective
    of your Studio, add the analysis, US_State in this
    scenario, upon which you base the report of interest on and type in the
    parameters in order to generate this report in the PDF format and store it
    in the following directory:

    C:Documents and


    For further information about how to set up the relative parameters for
    report generation, see Talend Studio User


    If you did not create a report database to keep the history of the
    reports yet, your Studio will prompt you to create one. For further
    information, see Talend Studio User

    This way, the required metadata such as the analysis, the report and the
    DB connection have been committed to the remote SVN repository used by your
    Talend Administration Center Web application.

  6. On the host system of your Studio, install and launch a jobserver. For
    further information, see the Talend Installation and
    Upgrade Guide

Launching a report remotely

After having prepared these prerequisite conditions, proceed as follows to
replicate this scenario:

  1. From the DQ Repository tree view of the
    Profiling perspective, right-click the
    US_State report under the Report node and select Generate Jobs
    > Launch a report
    from the contextual menu. This generates
    a launching-report Job.


    It is recommended to verify the Basic
    of the tLaunchDQReport component used in this Job to ensure
    that the generated paths point to your Talend Studio executable file, to the report of
    interests and to the project this report belongs to.

  2. In the menu tree view of your Talend Administration Center Web application, expand Job Conductor and click Servers to display the list of the remote execution servers
    available for deploying and executing Jobs.

  3. From the toolbar on the Servers page,
    click Add to clear the Execution server configuration panel. In this
    configuration panel, type in and save the configuration information of the
    jobserver you have installed and launched on the system hosting your

    For further information about the required configuration to connect to a
    jobserver, see Talend Administration Center User Guide.


    In this scenario, this jobserver’s label is
    Report_Server, its host is and the relative ports are
    8000, 8001, 8888.

    When done, click Save to validate this
    configuration. The new server displays in the server list of the Servers page and the green ticks indicate that
    the connection to this server is done.

  4. In the menu tree view of your Talend Administration Center Web application, expand Job Conductor and click Execution
    to display the task list on the Job Conductor page.

  5. From the toolbar on the Job Conductor
    page, click Add to clear the Execution task configuration panel. On this
    configuration panel, type in the parameters required for executing the
    launching-report Job you have generated.

    • In the Label field of this
      Execution task panel, type in
      the task name that will be displayed in the execution task

    • In the Project field, select the
      project which the launching-report Job to be used was generated in.
      In this scenario, it is the test_ychen

    • In the Branch field, select the
      branch of this project. It is trunk in this

    • In the Job field, select the
      launching-report Job to be used.

    • In the Version and the Context fields, select the information
      corresponding to this launching-report Job. In this scenario, they
      are 0.1 and

    • In the Execution server field,
      select the jobserver which executes this task you are configuring.
      This server must be installed on the system hosting your Studio. In
      this scenario, this server is Report_Server you
      have added to the server list.

  6. Click Save to validate this
    configuration. The new task displays in the task list on the Job Conductor page.

  7. From the task list, select the newly added task.

  8. On the toolbar of the Job Conductor page,
    click Generate.

  9. Once the status of this task reads Ready to send on
    the task list, select this task again and click Deploy on the toolbar of the Job

  10. Once the status of this task reads Ready to run on
    the task list, select this task again and click Run on the toolbar of the Job

Once the Job execution is done, check the output folder that you have defined in
the Generated Report Settings view of the report
editor in the Profiling perspective of your Studio.

In this scenario, the path to this output folder is

C:Documents and SettingsychenBureauTEST_YCHENReport_Center

There the generated report displays:


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