Component family |
Business Intelligence/Charts |
Function |
tLineChart reads data from an |
Purpose |
tLineChart generates a line chart |
Basic settings |
Schema and Edit |
A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields to be processed and passed on Since version 5.6, both the Built-In mode and the Repository mode are NoteThe schema of tLineChart |
Built-in: The schema is created |
Repository: The schema already |
Sync columns |
Click to synchronize the output file schema with the input file |
Generated image path |
Name and path of the output image file. |
Chart title |
Enter the title of the line chart to be generated. |
Domain axis label and Range axis |
Enter the domain axis (X axis) and range axis (Y axis) |
Plot orientation |
Select the plot orientation of the range axis: Vertical or Horizontal. |
Include legend |
Select this check box if you want your line chart to include a |
Image width and Image |
Enter the width and height of the image, in pixels. |
Moving average |
Select this check box to show a moving average for each series on |
Lower bound and Upper |
Define the lowest and highest values to be displayed on the range |
Chart background and Plot |
Select the chart background color and the plot area background |
Advanced settings |
tStat |
Select this check box to collect log data at the component |
Enable parallel execution |
Select this check box to perform high-speed data processing, by treating multiple data flows
Global Variables |
NB_LINE: the number of rows read by an input component or ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl + For further information about variables, see Talend Studio |
Usage |
This component is mainly used as Output component. It requires an |
This scenario describes a Job that reads data from a CSV file and transforms the data
into a line chart to facilitate trend analysis. The input file records how long (in
minutes) per week a person watches different TV channels over ten weeks, as shown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
Week;TV_A;TV_B;TV_C 1;327;286;244 2;326;285;243 3;325;283;245 4;323;282;246 5;322;285;248 6;321;288;247 7;322;291;245 8;321;292;244 9;320;293;243 10;319;294;242 |
Because the input file has a different structure than required by the tLineChart component, this use case uses the tMap component to adapt the source data to the three-column
schema of tLineChart so that a temporary CSV file can
be created as the input to the tLineChart
You will usually use the tMap component to adjust
the input schema in accordance with the schema structure of the tLineChart component. For more information about how to
use the tMap component, see Talend Studio User
Guide and tMap.
To ensure correct generation of the temporary input file, a pre-treatment subjob is
used to delete the temporary file in case it already exists before the main Job is
executed; as this temporary file serves this specific Job only, a post-treatment subjob
is used to deleted it after the main Job is executed.
Drop the following components from the Palette to the design workspace: two tFileDelete components, two tFileInputDelimited components, a tMap, three tFileOutputDelimited components, and a tLineChart.
Connect the first tFileInputDelimited to
the tMap component using a Row > Main
connection. -
Connect the tMap component to the first
tFileOutputDelimited component using a
Row > Main connection, and name the connection TV_A. -
Repeat the step above to connect the tMap
component to the other two tFileOutputDelimited components using Row > Main connections, and
name the connections TV_B and TV_C respectively. -
Connect the section tFileInputDelimited
to the tLineChart component using a
Row > Main connection. When questioned whether to get the schema
from the target component, click Yes. -
Connect the first tFileInputDelimited
component to the second tFileInputDelimited
component using a Trigger > On Subjob Ok connection. -
Connect the first tFileDelete component
to the first tFileInputDelimited component,
and then the second tFileInputDelimited
component to the second tFileDelete
component, using Trigger > On Subjob Ok connections. -
Relabel the components to best describe their functionality.
Double-click the first tFileInputDelimited component, which is labelled Source_data, to display its Basic settings view.
Fill in the File name field by browsing
to the input file. -
Specify the header row. In this use case, the first row of the input file
is the header row. And leave the other parameters as they are. -
Click Edit schema to describe the data
structure of the input file. In this use case, the input schema is made of
four columns: Week, Mins_TVA,
Mins_TVB, and Mins_TVC. Upon
defining the column names and data type, click OK to close the schema dialog box.
Double-click the tMap to open the
Map Editor.You can see an input table on the input panel, row1 in this example, and three empty output tables, named
TV_A, TV_B, and TV_C on the
output panel. -
Use the Schema editor to add three
columns to each output table: series (string),
x (integer), and y
(integer). -
In the relevant Expression field of the
output tables, enter the text to be presented in the legend area of the line
chart,TV A
, andTV C
respectively in this example. -
Drop the Week column of the input table onto the
x column of each output table. -
Drop the Mins_TVA column of the input table onto the
y column of the TV_A table. -
Drop the Mins_TVB column of the input table onto the
y column of the TV_B table. -
Drop the Mins_TVC column of the input table onto the
y column of the TV_C table. -
Click OK to save the mappings and close
the Map Editor and propagate the output
schemas to the output components.
Double-click the first tFileOutputDelimited component to display its Basic settings view.
In the File Name field, define a
temporary CSV file to send the mapped data flows to. In this use case, we
name this file Temp.csv. This file will be used as the
input to the tLineChart component. -
Select the Append check box.
Repeat the steps above to define the properties of the other two tFileOutputDelimited components, using exactly
the same settings as in the first tFileOutputDelimited component.Note
Note that the order of output flows from the tMap component is not necessarily the actual order of
writing data to the target file. To ensure the target file is correctly
generated, we need to delete the file by the same name if it already
exists before Job execution and select the Append check box in all the tFileOutputDelimited components in this step.
Double-click the second tFileInputDelimited component, which is labelled Temp_Input, to display its Basic settings view.
Fill in the File name field with the path
to the temporary input file generated by the tFileOutputDelimited components. In this use case, the
temporary input file to the tLineChart is
Temp.csv. -
Double-click the tLineChart component to
display its Basic settings view. -
Click Edit schema to open the schema
dialog box. -
Check that the input and output schemas are synchronized. If needed, copy
all the columns from the output schema to the input schema by clicking the
left-pointing double arrow button. Then, click OK to close the schema dialog box. -
In the Generated image path field, define
the path of the image file to be generated. -
In the Chart title field, define a title
for the line chart. In this use case, enterAverage Weekly Viewing
as the chart title.
(per person) -
Define the domain (X) and range (Y) axis labels. In this use case, enter
respectively the axis
labels. -
Define the image size, the moving average period, the lower and upper
bounds, the chart background color, and the background color of the plot
area, as you prefer.In this use case, we set the image size to
, set the lower and upper bounds to210
respectively, select light
gray as the chart background color, and keep the rest
settings are they are.
Double-click the first tFileDelete
component to display its Basic settings view. -
Fill in the File name field with the path
to the temporary input file, and clear the Fail on
error check box to allow the main Job to be executed if the
file to delete does not exist. -
Specify the same file path in the other tFileDelete component.