August 17, 2023

tMysqlOutputBulk – Docs for ESB 5.x



tMysqlOutputBulk properties

The tMysqlOutputBulk and tMysqlBulkExec components are used together in a two step process. In
the first step, an output file is generated. In the second step, this file is used in
the INSERT statement used to feed a database. These two steps are fused together in the
tMysqlOutputBulkExec component, detailed in a
separate section. The advantage of using two separate steps is that the data can be
transformed before it is loaded in the database.

Component family




Writes a file with columns based on the defined delimiter and the
MySql standards


Prepares the file to be used as parameter in the INSERT query to
feed the MySQL database.

Basic settings

Property type

Either Built-in or

Since version 5.6, both the Built-In mode and the Repository mode are
available in any of the Talend solutions.



Built-in: No property data stored



Repository: Select the repository
file in which the properties are stored. The fields that follow are
completed automatically using the data retrieved.


File Name

Name of the file to be generated.

This file is generated on the same machine where the Studio is
installed or where the Job using tMysqlOutputBulk is deployed.



Select this check box to add the new rows at the end of the


Schema and Edit

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields to be processed and passed on
to the next component. The schema is either Built-In or
stored remotely in the Repository.

Since version 5.6, both the Built-In mode and the Repository mode are
available in any of the Talend solutions.



Built-In: You create and store the schema locally for this
component only. Related topic: see Talend Studio
User Guide.



Repository: You have already created the schema and
stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it in various projects and Job designs. Related
topic: see Talend Studio User Guide.

When the schema to be reused has default values that are integers or functions, ensure that
these default values are not enclosed within quotation marks. If they are, you must remove
the quotation marks manually.

For more details, see


Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the
current schema is of the Repository type, three options are

  • View schema: choose this option to view the
    schema only.

  • Change to built-in property: choose this option
    to change the schema to Built-in for local

  • Update repository connection: choose this option to change
    the schema stored in the repository and decide whether to propagate the changes to
    all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to propagate the changes to the
    current Job, you can select No upon completion and
    choose this schema metadata again in the [Repository

Advanced settings

Row separator

String (ex: ”
” on Unix) to distinguish rows.


Field separator

Character, string or regular expression to separate fields.


Text enclosure

Character used to enclose the text.


Create directory if does not exist

This check box is selected by default. It creates a directory to
hold the output table if required.


Custom the flush buffer size

Customize the amount of memory used to temporarily store output
data. In the Row number field,
enter the number of rows after which the memory is to be freed


Records contain NULL value

This check box is selected by default. It allows you to take
account of NULL value fields. If you clear the check box, the NULL
values will automatically be replaced with empty values.


Check disk space

Select the this check box to throw an exception during execution
if the disk is full.



Select the encoding from the list or select Custom and define it manually. This field is
compulsory for DB data handling.


tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to collect the log data at the component

Global Variables 

NB_LINE: the number of rows processed. This is an After
variable and it returns an integer.

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see Talend Studio
User Guide.


This component is to be used along with tMySQlBulkExec component. Used together they offer
gains in performance while feeding a MySQL database.


The activity of this component can be logged using the log4j feature. For more information on this feature, see Talend Studio User

For more information on the log4j logging levels, see the Apache documentation at


Due to license incompatibility, one or more JARs required to use this component are not
provided. You can install the missing JARs for this particular component by clicking the
Install button on the Component tab view. You can also find out and add all missing JARs easily on
the Modules tab in the Integration perspective
of your studio. For details, see
or the section describing how to configure the Studio in the Talend Installation and Upgrade

Scenario: Inserting transformed data in MySQL database

This scenario describes a four-component job which aims at fueling a database with
data contained in a file, including transformed data. Two steps are required in this
job, first step is to create the file, that will then be used in the second step. The
first step includes a tranformation phase of the data included in the file.


Dropping and linking components

  1. Drag and drop a tRowGenerator, a
    tMap, a tMysqlOutputBulk as well as a tMysqlBulkExec component.

  2. Connect the main flow using row Main

  3. And connect the start component (tRowgenerator in this example) to the tMysqlBulkExec using a trigger connection, of type OnComponentOk.

Configuring the components

  1. A tRowGenerator is used to generate
    random data. Double-click on the tRowGenerator
    component to launch the editor.

  2. Define the schema of the rows to be generated and the nature of data to
    generate. In this example, the clients file to be
    produced will contain the following columns: ID,
    First Name, Last Name,
    Address, City which all are
    defined as string data but the ID that is of integer type.


    Some schema information don’t necessarily need to be displayed. To hide
    them away, click on Columns list button
    next to the toolbar, and uncheck the relevant entries, such as Precision or Parameters.

    Use the plus button to add as many columns to your schema

    Click the Refresh button to preview the first generated row of your

  3. Then select the tMap component to set the

  4. Drag and drop all columns from the input table to the output table.

  5. Apply the transformation on the LastName column by
    adding .toUpperCase() in its expression field.

    Then, click OK to validate the

  6. Double-click on the tMysqlOutputBulk

  7. Define the name of the file to be produced in File
    field. If the delimited file information is stored in
    the Repository, select it in Property Type field, to retrieve relevant data.
    In this use case the file name is clients.txt.

    The schema is propagated from the tMap
    component, if you accepted it when prompted.

  8. In this example, don’t include the header information as the table should
    already contain it.

  9. Click OK to validate the output.

  10. Then double-click on the tMysqlBulkExec
    component to set the INSERT query to be executed.

  11. Define the database connection details. We recommend you to store
    this type of information in the Repository, so that you can retrieve them at any time
    for any Job.

  12. Set the table to be filled in with the collected data, in the Table field.

  13. Fill in the column delimiters in the Field
    terminated by

  14. Make sure the encoding corresponds to the data encoding.

Saving and executing the Job

  1. Press Ctrl+S to save your Job.

  2. Press F6 or click Run on the Run tab to
    execute the Job.


    The clients database table is filled with data from
    the file including upper-case last name as transformed
    in the job.

For simple Insert operations that don’t include any transformations, the use of
tMysqlOutputBulkExec allows you to skip a step
in the process and thus improves performance.

Related topic: tMysqlOutputBulkExec properties

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