Creating a Route Resource and calling it in the Route
From the repository tree view, right-click the Resources node and select Create
Resource from the context menu. -
The [New Route Resource] wizard
opens. In the Name field, type in a
name for the Resource, for example, SetRepeatCount.
Click Finish to close the
wizard. -
in the design workspace to set the
repeat count. -
Press Ctrl+S to save your Route
Resource. -
Right-click the Route from the repository tree view and select
Manage Route Resources from the
context menu.The [Manage Route Resources] wizard
is opened. -
Click Add and select
SetRepeatCount from the Resources tree view in
the dialog. Click OK.The SetRepeatCount Route Resource is added in the
table. -
Click OK to close the wizard.
For more information about creating and using Route Resources, see
Talend Studio User Guide. -
Click the Spring tab on the lower
half of the design workspace of the Route. -
Enter the following code in this view to call the Route Resource you
just created.123<bean id="properties" class=""><property name="location" value=""/></bean>For more information about using Spring configuration in a Route, see
Talend Studio User Guide.
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