August 15, 2023

Scenario 1: Selecting the best-of-breed data from a group of duplicates to create a survivor – Docs for ESB 6.x

Scenario 1: Selecting the best-of-breed data from a group of duplicates to create a

This scenario applies only to a subscription-based Talend Platform solution or Talend Data Fabric.

The Job in this scenario groups the duplicate data and create one single representation of
these duplicates. This representation is the “survivor” at the end of the selection process
and you can use this survivor, for example, to create a master copy of data for MDM.


The components used in this Job are:

  • tFixedFlowInput: it provides the input data
    to be processed by this Job. In the real-world use case, you may use another
    input component of interest to replace tFixedFlowInput for providing the required data.

  • tMatchGroup: it groups the duplicates of the
    input data and gives each group the information about its group ID and group
    size. The technical names of the information are GID and GRP_SIZE respectively
    and they are required by tRuleSurvivorship.

  • tRuleSurvivorship: it creates the
    user-defined survivor validation flow to select the best-of-breed data that
    composes the single representation of each duplicates group.

  • tFilterColumns: it rules out the technical
    columns and outputs the columns that carry the actual information of interest.

  • tLogRow: it presents the result of the Job

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