August 15, 2023

Scenario 2: Creating a synonym index for people names using tMap – Docs for ESB 6.x

Scenario 2: Creating a synonym index for people names using tMap

This scenario applies only to a subscription-based Talend Platform solution or Talend Data Fabric.

In this scenario, a four-component Job creates an index storing people names and their
relative nicknames.

The source data to be used in this scenario is stored in a .csv
file, an extract of which is shown below:

This data describes people’s home country (not to be inserted into the index), first
names (reference entries) and frequently used nicknames (synonyms).

The four components used in this Job are:

  • tFileInputDelimited: this component reads the
    source data and inputs them to tSynonymOutput.

  • tMap: this component is used to transform the
    source data into two separated columns representing the first names and the
    nicknames, in the meantime, ignoring the people’s home country

  • tSynonymOutput: this component creates the
    index of interest in this scenario and feeds it with the synonyms given in the
    source file.

  • tLogRow: this component lists the data that
    have been inserted into the newly created index.


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