August 15, 2023

Scenario: Parallelize/synchronize subjobs execution – Docs for ESB 6.x

Scenario: Parallelize/synchronize subjobs execution

This scenario applies only to a subscription-based Talend solution.

The following simple scenario creates a five-component main Job that uses one
tParallelize component with four tMsgBox single-component subjobs. The tMsgBox_1 component is the trigger subjob. The tParallelize_1 component executes tMsgBox_2 and tMsgBox_3 simultaneously,
and then synchronizes tMsgBox_4 to be executed at the
end of the simultaneous execution of the subjobs.

  • Drop four tMsgBox components from the Palette
    to the design workspace.

  • Define their dialog box display properties as desired.

For more information on defining tMsgBox properties,
see tMsgBox.

  • Drop a tParallelize component onto the design

  • Connect the tMsgBox_1 component to tParallelize_1 using an OnSubjobOk link, available on the right-click menu. This link
    will trigger the next subjob(s) only if the first subjob has
    completed without error.

  • Connect tParallelize_1 to tMsgBox_2 and tMsgBox_3 using a Parallelize
    link for each, available on the right-click menu.These links will simply
    parallelize the execution of the two connected subjobs.

  • Connect tParallelize_1 to tMsgBox_4 using a Synchronize link to seqeunce the execution of this fourth

  • Select the tMsgBox_4 and set its Basic settings parameters.

  • On the Basic settings panel of the tParallelize component and from the Wait For list, select either end of first
    or end of all subjobs. This will
    sequence your fourth subjob to be executed at the end of the first subjob or at
    the end of all subjobs respectively.

  • In the Sleep Duration field, set the time
    interval in seconds between each check of a subjob execution.

  • Save your main Job.

  • Click the F6 key to run it.

The four message boxes are displayed according to the defined sequence.

The above was a very simple scenario of what the tParallelize
component can do for you. However, you can parallelize/synchronize far more
complex Jobs with this component whereby each of the subjobs that build the main Job can
execute any possible task processed in
Talend Studio

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