Updating an issue in JIRA application
Double-click the tFileInputDelimited component to open
its Basic settings view. -
In the File name/Stream field, specify the path to the
JSON file used to update the issue.In this example, a simple JSON file
D:/JiraComponents/issue_update.json will be used
to update an existing issue with the key DOC-2 that
is under the DOC project, and the data in this file
reads as follows:12345DOC-2;{"fields": {"description": "Update an issue under the DOC project","summary": "Add the documentation for new components tJIRAInput and tJIRAOutput"}}Note that the tJIRAOutput component now only supports
updating project/issue in JIRA application with the single line JSON file,
so you need to join all lines in the input JSON file into one line before
executing the Job. -
Double-click the tJIRAOutput component to open its
Basic settings view. -
In the Host URL, User Id, and
Password fields, specify the user authentication
information required to access the JIRA application.
Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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