July 31, 2023

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput – Docs for ESB Jdbc 7.x

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput

This Java scenario is a three-component job that aims at creating random data using a
tRowGenerator, duplicating a column to be altered
using the tMap component, and eventually altering the
data to be inserted based on an SQL expression using the tMysqlOutput component.

  • Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace: tRowGenerator, tMap and

  • Connect tRowGenerator, tMap, and tMysqlOutput using
    the Row Main link.

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_1.png
  • In the design workspace, select tRowGenerator to display its Basic

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_2.png
  • Click the Edit schema three-dot button to
    define the data to pass on to the tMap
    component, two columns in this scenario, name and

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_3.png
  • Click OK to close the dialog box.

  • Click the RowGenerator Editor three-dot
    button to open the editor and define the data to be generated.

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_4.png
  • Click in the corresponding Functions fields
    and select a function for each of the two columns, getFirstName for
    the first column and getrandomDate for the second column.

  • In the Number of Rows for Rowgenerator
    field, enter 10 to generate ten first name rows and click Ok to close the editor.

  • Double-click the tMap component to open the
    Map editor. The Map editor opens displaying the input metadata of the tRowGenerator component.

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_5.png
  • In the Schema editor panel of the Map
    editor, click the plus button of the output table to add two rows and define the
    first as random_date and the second as

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_6.png

In this scenario, we want to duplicate the random_date column and
adapt the schema in order to alter the data in the output component.

  • In the Map editor, drag the random_date row from the
    input table to the random_date and random_date1
    rows in the output table.

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_7.png
  • Click OK to close the editor.

  • In the design workspace, double-click the tMysqlOutput component to display its Basic settings view and set its parameters.

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_8.png
  • Set Property Type to Repository and then click the three-dot button to open the
    Repository content dialog box and select
    the correct DB connection. The connection details display automatically in the
    corresponding fields.


    If you have not stored the DB connection details in the Metadata entry in the Repository, select Built-in
    on the property type list and set the connection detail manually.

  • Click the three-dot button next to the Table
    field and select the table to be altered, Dates in this

  • On the Action on table list, select
    Drop table if exists and create, select
    Insert on the Action on

  • If needed, click Sync columns to synchronize
    with the columns coming from the tMap

  • Click the Advanced settings tab to display
    the corresponding view and set the advanced parameters.

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_9.png
  • In the Additional Columns area, set the
    alteration to be performed on columns.

    In this scenario, the One_month_later column replaces
    random_date_1. Also, the data itself gets altered using
    an SQL expression that adds one month to the randomly picked-up date of the
    random_date_1 column. ex: 2007-08-12 becomes

    -Enter One_Month_Later in the Name cell.

    -In the SQL expression cell, enter the
    relevant addition script to be performed, "adddate(Random_date, interval 1
    in this scenario.

    -Select Replace on the Position list.

    -Enter Random_date1 on the Reference column list.


For this job we duplicated the random_date_1 column in the DB
table before replacing one instance of it with the
One_Month_Later column. The aim of this workaround was to
be able to view upfront the modification performed.

  • Save your job and press F6 to execute

The new One_month_later column replaces the
random_date1 column in the DB table and adds one month to each
of the randomly generated dates.

Inserting a column and altering data using tMysqlOutput_10.png

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