July 30, 2023

tBufferInput – Docs for ESB 7.x


Retrieves data bufferized via a tBufferOutput
component, for example, to process it in another subJob.

This component retrieves bufferized data in
order to process it in a second subJob.

tBufferInput Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tBufferInput running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard
tBufferInput component belongs to the Misc family.

The component in this framework is available in all Talend


Schema and
Edit Schema

A schema is a row description, it defines
the number of fields that will be processed and
passed on to the next component. The schema is
either built-in or remote in the

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

In the case of tBufferInput, the column position is
more important than the column label as this will
be taken into account.


You create the schema and store it locally for
this component only. Related topic: see

Talend Studio User Guide


You have already created the schema and stored it
in the Repository, hence can be reused in various
projects and Job designs. Related topic: see

Talend Studio User Guide



NB_LINE: the number of rows processed. This is an After
variable and it returns an integer.

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component is the start component of a
secondary Job which is triggered automatically at
the end of the main Job.

Retrieving bufferized data

This scenario describes a Job that retrieves bufferized data from a subJob and
displays it on the console.

  • Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace:
    and tBufferOutput.

  • Select the tFileInputDelimited and on the Basic Settings tab of the
    Component view, set
    the access parameters to the input file.

  • In the File Name field,
    browse to the delimited file holding the data to be

  • Define the Row and Field separators, as well as
    the Header.

  • Click […] next to the
    Edit schema field
    to describe the structure of the file.

  • Describe the Schema of the
    data to be passed on to the tBufferOutput component.

  • Select the tBufferOutput
    component and set the parameters on the Basic Settings tab of the
    Component view.


Generally speaking, the schema is propagated from the input component
and automatically fed into the tBufferOutput schema. But you can also set part
of the schema to be bufferized if you want to.

  • Drop the tBufferInput and
    tLogRow components
    from the Palette onto the
    design workspace below the subJob you just created.

  • Connect tFileInputDelimited
    and tBufferInput via a
    Trigger >
    OnSubjobOk link and
    connect tBufferInput and
    tLogRow via a
    Row > Main link.

  • Double-click tBufferInput to
    set its Basic settings in
    the Component view.

  • In the Basic settings view,
    click […] next to the
    Edit Schema field
    to describe the structure of the file.

  • Use the schema defined for the tFileInputDelimited component and click

  • The schema of the tBufferInput component is automatically
    propagated to the tLogRow.
    Otherwise, double-click tLogRow to display the Component view and click
    Sync column.

  • Save your Job and press F6 to
    execute it.


The standard console returns the data retrieved from the buffer memory.

Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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