July 30, 2023

tDataprepRun – Docs for ESB 7.x


Applies a preparation made using Talend Data Preparation in a standard Data Integration

tDataprepRun fetches a preparation made
using Talend Data Preparation and applies it to
a set of data.

Depending on the Talend
product you are using, this component can be used in one, some or all of the following
Job frameworks:

tDataprepRun Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tDataprepRun running in the Standard Job

The Standard
tDataprepRun component belongs to the Talend Data Preparation family.

The component in this framework is available in all subscription-based Talend products.

Basic settings


Type the URL to the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double quotes.

If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation,
use one of the following addresses to access the application:

  • https://tdp.us.cloud.talend.com for the US data
  • https://tdp.eu.cloud.talend.com for the EU data
  • https://tdp.ap.cloud.talend.com for the Asia-Pacific data


Type the email address that you use to log in the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double


Click the […] button and type your user password for the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double

If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation and if:

  • SSO is enabled, enter an access
    token in the field.
  • SSO is not enabled, enter either
    an access token or your password in the field.

When using the default preparation selection properties:


To complete the Preparation field, do one of the following:

  • click Choose an existing preparation and select
    one of the previously created preparations in a pop-up dialog box. This
    dialog box shows the name, path, author, and last modification date of each

  • click Or create a new one and create a new
    preparation based on your input data.


Click this button to edit the preparation in Talend Data Preparation that corresponds to the ID defined
in the Preparation field.


If you have created several versions of your
preparation, you can choose which one you want to use in the Job. To complete the
Version field, click Choose a Version to select from the list of existing
versions, including the current version of the preparation.

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields
(columns) to be processed and passed on to the next component. When you create a Spark
Job, avoid the reserved word line when naming the

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

Click Sync
to retrieve the schema from the previous component connected in the

Fetch Schema

Click this button to retrieve the schema from the preparation
defined in the Preparation field.

When using the Dynamic preparation selection:

Dynamic preparation

Select this checkbox to define a preparation path and version
using context variables. The preparation will be dynamically selected at runtime.

Preparation path

Use a context variable to define a preparation path. Paths
with or without the initial / are supported.

Preparation version

Use a context variable to define the version of the
preparation to use. Preparation versions are referenced by their number. As a
consequence, to execute the version #2 of a preparation for example, the expected value
is "2". To use the current version of the preparation,
the expected value is "Current state".

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields
(columns) to be processed and passed on to the next component. When you create a Spark
Job, avoid the reserved word line when naming the

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

Click Sync
to retrieve the schema from the previous component connected in the

Fetch Schema

Click this button to dynamically retrieve the schema from the
preparations defined by the context variable in the Preparation path field. If the fetch is successful, any previously
configured schema will be overwritten. If the fetch fails, the current schema is

Advanced settings

Limit Preview

Specify the number of rows to which you want to limit the

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to gather the Job processing metadata at
the Job level as well as at each component level.

Global Variables

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component is an intermediary step. It requires an input
flow as well as an output.


  • If the dataset is updated after the tDataprepRun component has been
    configured, the schema needs to be fetched again.

  • If a context variable was used in the URL of the
    dataset, you cannot use the tDataprepRun_1.png button to edit the
    preparation directly in Talend Data Preparation.

Preparing data from a
database in a Talend Job

This scenario applies only to subscription-based Talend products.

The tDataprepRun component allows you to reuse an existing
preparation made in Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation, directly in a data integration Job. In
other words, you can operationalize the process of applying a preparation to input data with
the same model.

The following scenario creates a simple Job
that :

  • retrieves a table from a MySQL database, that holds some employee-related
  • applies an existing preparation on this data,
  • outputs the prepared data into an Excel file.

This assumes that a preparation has been created beforehand, on a dataset
with the same schema as your input data for the Job. In this case, the existing preparation is
called datapreprun_scenario. This simple preparation puts the employees
last names into upper case and isolate the employees with a salary greater than 1500$.


Adding and linking the components

  1. In the Integration perspective of the Studio, create an empty
    Standard Job from the Job Designs node in
    the Repository tree view.
  2. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace: tMysqlInput, tDataprepRun and
  3. Connect the three components using Row > Main links.

Configuring the components

Retrieving the data from the database

  1. In the design workspace, select tMysqlInput
    and click the Component tab to define its
    basic settings.


  2. In the Property Type list, select Built-in to set the database connection details
  3. In the DB Version list, select the version of
    MySQL you are using, MySQL 5 in this
  4. In the Host, Port, Database, Username and Password
    fields, enter the MySQL connection details and the user authentication data for
    the database, between double quotes.
  5. In the Table Name field, type the name of the
    table to be read, between double quotes.
  6. In the Query field,
    enter your database query between double quotes. In this example, the query is
    select * from employees to retrieve all of the
    information from the table employees, in the
    test database.
  7. Click Guess schema to automatically retrieve
    the schema from the database table or enter the schema manually by clicking the
    […] button next to Edit

    Make sure that the schema of the tMysqlInput component matches the schema expected by the
    tDataprepRun component. In other
    words, the input schema must be the same as the dataset upon which the
    preparation was made in the first place.

Accessing the preparation from Talend Data Preparation

  1. In the design workspace, select tDataprepRun
    and click the Component tab to define its
    basic settings.


  2. In the URL field, type
    the URL of the Talend Data Preparation or
    Talend Cloud Data Preparation web application,
    between double quotes. Port 9999 is the default
    port for Talend Data Preparation.
  3. In the Username and
    Password fields, enter your Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation connection information,
    between double quotes.

    If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation and if:

    • SSO is enabled, enter an access
      token in the field.
    • SSO is not enabled, enter either
      an access token or your password in the field.
  4. Click Choose an existing
    to display a list of the preparations available in
    Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation, and select datapreprun_scenario.


    This scenario assumes that a preparation with a compatible schema has been
    created beforehand.

  5. Click Fetch Schema to
    retrieve the schema of the preparation,
    datapreprun_preparation in this case.

    The output schema of the tDataprepRun component now
    reflects the changes made with each preparation step. The schema takes into
    account columns that were added or removed for example. By defaut, the output
    schema will use the String type for all the columns, in order
    not to overwrite any formatting operations performed on dates or numeric values
    during the preparation.

Outputting the preparation into an Excel file

  1. In the design workspace, select tFileOutputExcel and click the Component tab to define its basic settings.


  2. In the File Name field, enter the location
    where you want to save the result of the preparation.
  3. Click Sync columns to
    retrieve the new output schema, inherited from the tDataprepRun

Saving and executing the Job

  1. Save your Job and press F6 to execute it.
  2. You can now open the Excel file containing the result of the preparation
    applied on your data from the MySQL database.

Dynamically selecting a
preparation at runtime according to the input

This scenario applies only to subscription-based Talend products.

The tDataprepRun component allows you to reuse an existing preparation
made in Talend Data Preparation, directly in a data
integration, Spark Batch or Spark Streaming Job. In other words, you can operationalize the
process of applying a preparation to input data with the same model.

By default, the tDataprepRun component retrieves
preparations using their technical id. However, the dynamic preparation selection feature
allows you to call a preparation via its path in Talend Data Preparation. Through the use of the Dynamic
preparation selection
check box and some variables, it is then possible to
dynamically select a preparation at runtime, according to runtime data or metadata.

In case you wanted to operationalize preparations in a Talend Job using the regular preparation selection
properties, you would actually need several Jobs: one for each preparation to apply on a
specific dataset. By retrieving the correct preparation according to the input file name, you
will be able to dynamically run more than one preparation on your source data, in a single

The following scenario creates a Job that:

  • Scans the content of a folder containing several datasets
  • Creates a dynamic path to your CSV files
  • Dynamically retrieves the preparations according to the input file name and
    applies them on the data
  • Outputs the prepared data into a Redshift database

In this example, .csv datasets with data from two of your
clients are locally stored in a folder called customers_files. Each of
your clients datasets have their specific naming convention and are stored in dedicated sub
folders. All the datasets in the customers_files folder have identical
schemas, or data model.


A customers folder has also been created in Talend Data Preparation, containing two preparations. These two
distinct preparation are each aimed at cleaning data from your two different customers.


The purpose of customer_1_preparation for example is to isolate a
certain type of email addresses, while customer_2_preparation aims at
cleansing invalid values and formatting the data. In this example, the preparations names are
based on the two sub folders names customer_1 and
customer_2, with _preparation as suffix.


Just like the input schema that all four dataset have in common, all of your output data must
also share the same model. For this reason, you cannot have one preparation that modifies the
schema by adding a column for example, while the other does not.

By following this scenario, a single Job will allow you to use the appropriate preparation,
depending on whether the dataset extracted from the local customers_files
folder belongs to customer 1 or customer 2.

Designing the Job

  1. In the Integration perspective of the Studio, create an
    empty Standard, Spark Batch or Spark Streaming Job from the Job
    node in the Repository tree
  2. Drop the following components from the palette onto the
    design workspace: two tFileList, a
    tFileInputDelimited, a tDataprepRun and a
  3. Connect the two tFileList and the
    tFileInputDelimited components using Row > Iterate links.
  4. Connect the tFileInputDelimited,
    tDataprepRun and tRedshiftOutput
    components using Row > Main links.

Configuring the components

Reading the input files from your local folder

  1. In the design workspace, select
    tFileList_1 and click the
    Component tab to define its basic settings.

    This first tFileList will read the
    customers_files folder, and retrieve the path of the
    two sub folders so that they can be reused later.


  2. In the Directory field, enter the path to the
    customers_files folder, containing the customers datasets,
    in their respective sub folders.
  3. Click the + button in the
    Filemask table to add a new line and rename it
    *, between double quotes.
  4. In the design workspace, select tFileList_2 and click
    the Component tab to define its basic settings.

    This second tFileList will read the four
    .csv datasets contained in the two sub folders and
    retrieve their file paths.


  5. To fill the Directory field with the expression that
    will dynamically retrieve the input files paths, drag it from the
    tFileList_1 list of expressions in the
    Outline panel.


  6. Check the Includes subdirectories check box.
  7. Click the + button in the
    Filemask table to add a new line and rename it
    *.csv, between double quotes.
  8. In the design workspace, select the tFileInputDelimited and
    click the Component tab to define its basic


  9. To fill the File name/Stream field with the expression
    that will dynamically retrieve the input files paths, drag it from the
    tFileList_2 list of expressions in the
    Outline panel.


  10. Enter the Row Separator and Field
    that correspond to your datasets, between double
  11. Click the Edit schema button to define the columns of
    the source datasets and their data type.

    The schema is the same for all the datasets from the
    customers_files folder. Make sure that this schema
    matches the schema expected by the tDataprepRun
    component. In other words, the input schema must be the same as the datasets
    upon which the preparations were made in the first place.

Dynamically selecting the preparation from Talend Data Preparation

  1. In the design workspace, select tDataprepRun and click the
    Component tab to define its basic settings.


  2. In the URL field, type the URL of the Talend Data Preparation web application, between
    double quotes. Port 9999 is the default port for Talend Data Preparation.
  3. In the Username and Password
    fields, enter your Talend Data Preparation connection information, between
    double quotes.

    If you are using Talend Data Preparation Cloud, you need to use your Talend Data Preparation Cloud login instead of
    your Talend Data Preparation email.

    If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation and if:

    • SSO is enabled, enter an access
      token in the field.
    • SSO is not enabled, enter either
      an access token or your password in the field.
  4. Select the Dynamic preparation selection check box to
    dynamically define the preparations with their paths in Talend Data Preparation rather than their technical
  5. In the Preparation path field, enter

    This expression is made of three distinct parts. In the path,
    customers is the folder in Talend Data Preparation where the preparations are
    kept. As for the preparations names, because they are partly reused from the
    local sub folders names, you will use this expression to retrieve those sub
    folders name from the tFileList_1, and attach the
    _preparation suffix.

  6. In the Preparation version field, type
    Current state between double quotes, in order to use the
    current version of the preparation.
  7. Click Fetch Schema to
    retrieve the schema of the preparation.

    The output schema of the tDataprepRun component now
    reflects the changes made with each preparation step. The schema takes into
    account columns that were added or removed for example. By defaut, the output
    schema will use the String type for all the columns, in order
    not to overwrite any formatting operations performed on dates or numeric values
    during the preparation.

Outputting the result of the preparation into a database

  1. In the design workspace, select tRedshiftOutput and click the
    Component tab to define its basic settings.


  2. In the Property Type list, select
    Built-in to set the database connection details
  3. In the Host, Port,
    Database, Schema,
    Username and Password fields, enter the
    Redshift connection details and the user authentication data for the database,
    between double quotes
  4. To fill the Table field, with the expression that will
    dynamically reuse the input file name and give it to the table, drag it from the
    tFileList_2 list of expressions in the
    Outline panel.


  5. From the Action on table drop-down list, select
    Create table if does not exist.
  6. From the Action on data drop-down list, select
  7. Click Sync columns to retrieve the new output schema,
    inherited from the tDataprepRun component.

Saving and executing the Job

  1. Save your Job.
  2. Press F6 to execute it.

The four datasets have been dynamically prepared with a single Job, using the
preparation dedicated to each of your customers and the output of those four
preparations has been sent to a Redshift database, in four new tables.

Promoting a Job
leveraging a preparation across environments

This scenario applies only to subscription-based Talend products.

The tDataprepRun component allows you to reuse an existing preparation made in Talend Data Preparation, directly in a data integration, Spark Batch
or Spark Streaming Job. In other words, you can operationalize the process of applying a
preparation to input data with the same model.

A good practice when using Talend Data Preparation is to set up at least two environments to
work with: a development one, and a production one for example. When a preparation is ready on
the development environment, you can use the Import/Export
feature to promote it to the production environment, that has a
different URL. For more information, see the section about promoting a preparation across


Following this logic, you will likely find yourself with a preparation that has the same name
on different environments. The thing is that preparations are not actually identified by their
name, but rather by a technical id, such as
prepid=faf4fe3e-3cec-4550-ae0b-f1ce108f83d5. As a consequence, what you
really have is two dinstinct preparations, each with its specific id.

In case you wanted to operationalize this recipe in a Talend Job using the regular preparation selection
properties, you would actually need two Jobs: one for the preparation on the development
environment, with a specific url and id, and a second one for the production environment, with
different parameters.

Through the use the Dynamic preparation selection checkbox and some
context variables, you will be able to use a single Job to run your preparation, regardless of
the environment. Indeed, the dynamic preparation selection relies on the preparation path in
Talend Data Preparation, and not on the preparation id.

You will be able to use a single Job definition to later deploy on your development or
production environment

The following scenario creates a simple Job that:

  • Receives data from a local CSV file containing customers data
  • Dynamically retrieves an existing preparation based on its path and
  • Applies the preparation on the input data
  • Outputs the prepared data into a MySQL database.

In this example, the customers_leads preparation has
been created beforehand in Talend Data Preparation. This
simple preparation was created on a dataset that has the same schema as the CSV file used as
input for this Job, and its purpose is to remove invalid values from your customers data.


Designing the Job

  1. In the Integration perspective of Talend Studio, create an empty Standard Job
    from the Job Designs node in the
    Repository tree view.
  2. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace: tFileInputDelimited, tDataprepRun and tMysqlOutput.
  3. Connect the three components using Row > Main links.

Creating contexts for your different environments

For your Job to be usable in differents situations, you will create two distincts

Talend Studio allows you to create a set of
variables that you can regroup in a context. In this example, you will create a context
called Development and another one called
Production. Each of these contexts will contain the variables to
be used for the tDataprepRun configuration, according to the
target environment.

  1. Click the Contexts tab of your


  2. Click the + button on the top right of the variables
    table to create a new context.
  3. Select the Default context and click
    Edit… to rename it
  4. Click New… to create a new context called
  5. Click the + button on the bottom left of the variables
    table to create a new variable called

    The parameter_ prefix is mandatory, in order for the
    variable to be retrievable in Talend Cloud Management Console, if you use the Cloud
    version of Talend Data Preparation.

  6. On the newly created URL line, enter the URLs of your
    development and production instances of Talend Data Preparation in the corresponding
  7. Repeat the last two steps in order to create the
    parameter_USERNAME and
    parameter_PASSWORD variables, that will store your
    Talend Data Preparation credentials depending
    on the environment.

    If Multi Factor Authentication is activated, use your authentication token
    instead of your password when creating the
    parameter_PASSWORD variable.

These two different contexts will be available at execution time, when deploying your

Configuring the components

Retrieving the data from a CSV file

The input data retrieved by the component must have same model as the dataset on
wich the preparation to operationalize was created.

  1. In the design workspace, select the
    tFileInputDelimited component, and click the
    Component tab to define its basic settings.


    Fields marked with a * are mandatory.

  2. In the Property Type list, select
  3. In the File name/Stream field, enter the path to the
    file containing the input data on which you want to apply the preparation.
  4. Define the characters to be used as Row Separator and
    Field Separator.
  5. Cick the Edit schema button to define the columns of the
    source dataset and their data type.

    Make sure that the schema of the tFileInputDelimited
    component matches the schema expected by the
    tDataprepRun component. In other words, the input
    schema must be the same as the dataset upon which the preparation was made
    in the first place.

Dynamically selecting the preparation from Talend Data Preparation

  1. In the design workspace, select tDataprepRun
    and click the Component tab to define its
    basic settings.


  2. In the URL field, enter
    context.parameter_URL to reuse one of the values
    previously set for the URL context variable.
  3. In the Username and
    Password fields, respectively enter
    context.parameter_USERNAME and
    context.parameter_PASSWORD to reuse one of the values
    previously set for the USERNAME and PASSWORD
    context variables.
  4. Select the Dynamic preparation selection checkbox to
    define a preparation with its path in Talend Data Preparation rather than its technical
  5. In the Preparation path field, enter the path to the
    customers_leads preparation you want to apply on the
    .csv file.

    Your preparation must have the same path on your Talend Data Preparation development environment
    and production environment.

  6. In the Preparation version field, type
    Current state between double quotes, in order to use the
    current version of the preparation.
  7. Click Fetch Schema to
    retrieve the schema of the preparation.

    The output schema of the tDataprepRun component now
    reflects the changes made with each preparation step. The schema takes into
    account columns that were added or removed for example. By defaut, the output
    schema will use the String type for all the columns, in order
    not to overwrite any formatting operations performed on dates or numeric values
    during the preparation.

Outputting the result of the preparation into a database

The result of the preparation will be exported to a MySQL database.

  1. In the design workspace, select tDataprepRun and click the
    Component tab to define its basic


  2. In the Property Type list, select Built-in to set the
    database connection details manually.
  3. In the DB Version list, select the version of MySQL you are
    using, MySQL 5 in this example.
  4. In the Host, Port,
    Database, Username and
    Password fields, enter the MySQL connection details and the
    user authentication data for the database, between double quotes.
  5. In the Table Name field, type the name of the table to be
    write in, between double quotes.
  6. From the Action on table drop-down list, select
    Create table if does not exist.
  7. From the Action on data drop-down list, select
  8. Click Sync columns to retrieve the new output schema,
    inherited from the tDataprepRun component.

Deploying the Job to production

Now that the Job has been designed, you can deploy it to production and use it to
operationalize your preparation on real data.

  1. Save your Job.
  2. To promote your Job to production, export it to Talend Administration Center.
  3. Create an execution task with the production context variables and configure
    your preferred schedule.

    For more information on how to create an execution
    task with the appropriate context variables, see the Working with Job
    execution tasks section of the Talend Administration Center User Guide on https://help.talend.com.

tDataprepRun properties for Apache Spark Batch

These properties are used to configure tDataprepRun running in
the Spark Batch Job framework.

The Spark Batch
tDataprepRun component belongs to the
Talend Data Preparation family.

The component in this framework is available in all subscription-based Talend products with Big Data
and Talend Data Fabric.

Basic settings


Type the URL to the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double quotes.

If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation,
use one of the following addresses to access the application:

  • https://tdp.us.cloud.talend.com for the US data
  • https://tdp.eu.cloud.talend.com for the EU data
  • https://tdp.ap.cloud.talend.com for the Asia-Pacific data


Type the email address that you use to log in the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double


Click the […] button and type your user password for the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double

If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation and if:

  • SSO is enabled, enter an access
    token in the field.
  • SSO is not enabled, enter either
    an access token or your password in the field.

When using the default preparation selection properties:


To complete the Preparation field, click Choose
an existing preparation
and select one of the previously created
preparations in a pop-up dialog box. This dialog box shows the name, path, author, and
last modification date of each preparation.


Click this button to edit the preparation in Talend Data Preparation that corresponds to the ID defined
in the Preparation field.


If you have created several versions of your
preparation, you can choose which one you want to use in the Job. To complete the
Version field, click Choose a Version to select from the list of existing
versions, including the current version of the preparation.

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields
(columns) to be processed and passed on to the next component. When you create a Spark
Job, avoid the reserved word line when naming the

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

Click Sync
to retrieve the schema from the previous component connected in the

Fetch Schema

Click this button to retrieve the schema from the preparation
defined in the Preparation field.

When using the Dynamic preparation selection:

Dynamic preparation selection

Select this checkbox to define a preparation path and version
using context variables. The preparation will be dynamically selected at runtime.

Preparation path

Use a context variable to define a preparation path. Paths
with or without the initial / are supported.

Preparation version

Use a context variable to define the version of the
preparation to use. Preparation versions are referenced by their number. As a
consequence, to execute the version #2 of a preparation for example, the expected value
is "2". To use the current version of the preparation,
the expected value is "Current state".

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields
(columns) to be processed and passed on to the next component. When you create a Spark
Job, avoid the reserved word line when naming the

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

Click Sync
to retrieve the schema from the previous component connected in the

Fetch Schema

Click this button to dynamically retrieve the schema from the
preparations defined by the context variable in the Preparation path field. If the fetch is successful, any previously
configured schema will be overwritten. If the fetch fails, the current schema is

Advanced settings


Select an encoding mode from this list. You can select
Custom from the list to enter an
encoding method in the field that appears.

Global Variables

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component is an intermediary step. It requires an input
flow as well as an output.


  • If the dataset is updated after the tDataprepRun component has been configured, the
    schema needs to be fetched again.

  • If a context variable was used in the URL of the
    dataset, you cannot use the tDataprepRun_1.png button to edit the preparation
    directly in Talend Data Preparation.

  • The Make as header and Delete
    functions, as well as any modification of a
    single cell, are ignored by the tDatarepRun
    component. These functions only affect a single row or cell and
    are thus not compatible with a Big Data context. In the list of
    existing preparations to choose from, a warning is displayed
    next to preparations that include incompatible actions.

  • With the 7.0 version of Talend Data Fabric, when using Spark 1.6,
    the tDataprepRun component will only work with the
    5.12 or 5.13 version of Cloudera. There is no Cloudera version restriction
    with Spark 2.0.

Yarn cluster mode

When the Yarn cluster mode is selected, the Job driver
is not executed on a local machine, but rather on a machine from the Hadoop
Cluster. Because it is not possible to know in advance which node of the
cluster the Job will be executed on, you have to make sure that all the cluster
nodes are accessible by the Talend Data Preparation server.

Applying a preparation
to a data sample in an Apache Spark Batch Job

This scenario applies only to subscription-based Talend products with Big

The tDataprepRun component allows you to reuse an existing
preparation made in Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation, directly in a Big Data Job. In other
words, you can operationalize the process of applying a preparation to input data with the
same model.

The following scenario creates a simple Job that :

  • Reads a small sample of customer data,
  • applies an existing preparation on this data,
  • shows the result of the execution in the console.

This assumes that a preparation has been created beforehand, on a dataset
with the same schema as your input data for the Job. In this case, the existing preparation
is called datapreprun_spark. This simple preparation puts the customer
last names into upper case and applies a filter to isolate the customers from California,
Texas and Florida.


Note that if a preparation contains actions that only affect a single row, or cells, they
will be skipped by the tDataprepRun component during the job. The Make as
or Delete Row functions for example, do not work
in a Big Data context.

The sample data reads as
Note: The sample data is created for demonstration purposes only.

tHDFSConfiguration is used in this scenario by Spark to connect
to the HDFS system where the jar files dependent on the Job are transferred.

In the Spark
tab in the Run
view, define the connection to a given Spark cluster for the whole Job. In
addition, since the Job expects its dependent jar files for execution, you must
specify the directory in the file system to which these jar files are
transferred so that Spark can access these files:

  • Yarn mode (Yarn client or Yarn cluster):

    • When using Google Dataproc, specify a bucket in the
      Google Storage staging bucket
      field in the Spark configuration

    • When using HDInsight, specify the blob to be used for Job
      deployment in the Windows Azure Storage
      area in the Spark

    • When using Altus, specify the S3 bucket or the Azure
      Data Lake Storage for Job deployment in the Spark
    • When using Qubole, add a
      tS3Configuration to your Job to write
      your actual business data in the S3 system with Qubole. Without
      tS3Configuration, this business data is
      written in the Qubole HDFS system and destroyed once you shut
      down your cluster.
    • When using on-premise
      distributions, use the configuration component corresponding
      to the file system your cluster is using. Typically, this
      system is HDFS and so use tHDFSConfiguration.

  • Standalone mode: use the
    configuration component corresponding to the file system your cluster is
    using, such as tHDFSConfiguration or

    If you are using Databricks without any configuration component present
    in your Job, your business data is written directly in DBFS (Databricks

Prerequisite: ensure that the Spark
cluster has been properly installed and is running.

Adding and linking the components

  1. In the Integration perspective of Talend Studio, create an empty Spark Batch
    Job from the Job Designs node in the
    Repository tree view.

    For further information about how to create a Spark Batch Job, see
    Talend Big Data Getting Started Guide.

  2. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace:
    tHDFSConfiguration, tFixedFlowInput, tDataprepRun and tLogRow.
  3. Connect the last three components using Row > Main links.

Selecting the Spark mode

Depending on the Spark cluster to be used, select a Spark mode for your Job.

The Spark documentation provides an exhaustive list of Spark properties and
their default values at Spark Configuration. A Spark Job designed in the Studio uses
this default configuration except for the properties you explicitly defined in the
Spark Configuration tab or the components
used in your Job.

  1. Click Run to open its view and then click the
    Spark Configuration tab to display its view
    for configuring the Spark connection.
  2. Select the Use local mode check box to test your Job locally.

    In the local mode, the Studio builds the Spark environment in itself on the fly in order to
    run the Job in. Each processor of the local machine is used as a Spark
    worker to perform the computations.

    In this mode, your local file system is used; therefore, deactivate the
    configuration components such as tS3Configuration or
    tHDFSConfiguration that provides connection
    information to a remote file system, if you have placed these components
    in your Job.

    You can launch
    your Job without any further configuration.

  3. Clear the Use local mode check box to display the
    list of the available Hadoop distributions and from this list, select
    the distribution corresponding to your Spark cluster to be used.

    This distribution could be:

    • Databricks

    • Qubole

    • Amazon EMR

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • Cloudera

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Standalone

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • Google Cloud

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn client

    • Hortonworks

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • MapR

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Standalone

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • Microsoft HD

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn cluster

    • Cloudera Altus

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn cluster

        Your Altus cluster should run on the following Cloud

        • Azure

          The support for Altus on Azure is a technical
          preview feature.

        • AWS

    As a Job relies on Avro to move data among its components, it is recommended to set your
    cluster to use Kryo to handle the Avro types. This not only helps avoid
    this Avro known issue but also
    brings inherent preformance gains. The Spark property to be set in your
    cluster is:

    If you cannot find the distribution corresponding to yours from this
    drop-down list, this means the distribution you want to connect to is not officially
    supported by
    . In this situation, you can select Custom, then select the Spark
    of the cluster to be connected and click the
    [+] button to display the dialog box in which you can

    1. Select Import from existing
      to import an officially supported distribution as base
      and then add other required jar files which the base distribution does not

    2. Select Import from zip to
      import the configuration zip for the custom distribution to be used. This zip
      file should contain the libraries of the different Hadoop/Spark elements and the
      index file of these libraries.


      Exchange, members of
      community have shared some ready-for-use configuration zip files
      which you can download from this Hadoop configuration
      list and directly use them in your connection accordingly. However, because of
      the ongoing evolution of the different Hadoop-related projects, you might not be
      able to find the configuration zip corresponding to your distribution from this
      list; then it is recommended to use the Import from
      existing version
      option to take an existing distribution as base
      to add the jars required by your distribution.

      Note that custom versions are not officially supported by

      and its community provide you with the opportunity to connect to
      custom versions from the Studio but cannot guarantee that the configuration of
      whichever version you choose will be easy. As such, you should only attempt to
      set up such a connection if you have sufficient Hadoop and Spark experience to
      handle any issues on your own.

    For a step-by-step example about how to connect to a custom
    distribution and share this connection, see Hortonworks.

Configuring the connection to the file system to be used by Spark

Skip this section if you are using Google Dataproc or HDInsight, as for these two
distributions, this connection is configured in the Spark

  1. Double-click tHDFSConfiguration to open its Component view.

    Spark uses this component to connect to the HDFS system to which the jar
    files dependent on the Job are transferred.

  2. If you have defined the HDFS connection metadata under the Hadoop
    node in Repository, select
    Repository from the Property
    drop-down list and then click the
    […] button to select the HDFS connection you have
    defined from the Repository content wizard.

    For further information about setting up a reusable
    HDFS connection, search for centralizing HDFS metadata on Talend Help Center

    If you complete this step, you can skip the following steps about configuring
    tHDFSConfiguration because all the required fields
    should have been filled automatically.

  3. In the Version area, select
    the Hadoop distribution you need to connect to and its version.
  4. In the NameNode URI field,
    enter the location of the machine hosting the NameNode service of the cluster.
    If you are using WebHDFS, the location should be
    webhdfs://masternode:portnumber; WebHDFS with SSL is not
    supported yet.
  5. In the Username field, enter
    the authentication information used to connect to the HDFS system to be used.
    Note that the user name must be the same as you have put in the Spark configuration tab.

Configuring the input data and the preparation

Loading the sample data

  1. In the design workspace, select the
    tFixedFlowInput component and click the Component tab to define its basic settings.


  2. Click the […] button next to Edit schema to open the schema editor.
  3. Click the [+] button to add the schema
    columns as shown in this image.


    This schema is the same as the dataset originally used to create the
    datapreprun_spark preparation in
    Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation.

  4. Click OK to validate these changes and accept
    the propagation prompted by the pop-up dialog box.
  5. In the Mode area, select the Use Inline Content radio button and paste the
    above-mentioned sample data about customers into the Content field that is displayed.
  6. In the Field separator
    field, enter a semicolon (;).

Accessing the preparation from Talend Data Preparation

  1. In the design workspace, select tDataprepRun
    and click the Component tab to define its
    basic settings.


  2. In the URL field, type
    the URL of the Talend Data Preparation or
    Talend Cloud Data Preparation web application,
    between double quotes. Port 9999 is the default
    port for Talend Data Preparation.
  3. In the Username and
    Password fields, enter your Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation connection information,
    between double quotes.

    If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation and if:

    • SSO is enabled, enter an access
      token in the field.
    • SSO is not enabled, enter either
      an access token or your password in the field.
  4. Click Choose an existing
    to display a list of the prepations available in
    Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation, and select datapreprun_spark.


    This scenario assumes that a preparation with a compatible schema has been
    created beforehand.

    A warning is displayed next to preparations containing incompatible actions,
    that only affect a single row or cell.

  5. Click Fetch Schema to retrieve the schema of
    the preparation.

    The output schema of the tDataprepRun component now
    reflects the changes made with each preparation step. The schema takes into
    account columns that were added or removed for example. By defaut, the output
    schema will use the String type for all the columns, in order
    not to overwrite any formatting operations performed on dates or numeric values
    during the preparation.

Executing the Job

The tLogRow component is used to present the
execution result of the Job.

  1. In the design workspace, select the tLogRow
    component and click the Component tab to define
    its basic settings.
  2. Select the Table radio button to present the
    result in a table.
  3. Save your Job and press F6 to execute it.
  4. You can now check the execution result in the console of the Run view.


The preparation made in Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation has been applied to the sample
data and only the customer from California, Florida and Texas remain.

For the sake of this example, we used a small data sample, but the Spark
Batch version of the tDataprepRun component can be used with high
volume of data.

tDataprepRun properties for Apache Spark Streaming

These properties are used to configure tDataprepRun running in
the Spark Streaming Job framework.

The Spark Streaming
tDataprepRun component belongs to
the Talend Data Preparation family.

This component is available in Talend Real Time Big Data Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

Basic settings


Type the URL to the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double quotes.

If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation,
use one of the following addresses to access the application:

  • https://tdp.us.cloud.talend.com for the US data
  • https://tdp.eu.cloud.talend.com for the EU data
  • https://tdp.ap.cloud.talend.com for the Asia-Pacific data


Type the email address that you use to log in the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double


Click the […] button and type your user password for the Talend Data Preparation web application, between double

If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation and if:

  • SSO is enabled, enter an access
    token in the field.
  • SSO is not enabled, enter either
    an access token or your password in the field.

When using the default preparation selection properties:


To complete the Preparation field, click Choose
an existing preparation
and select one of the previously created
preparations in a pop-up dialog box. This dialog box shows the name, path, author, and
last modification date of each preparation.


Click this button to edit the preparation in Talend Data Preparation that corresponds to the ID defined
in the Preparation field.


If you have created several versions of your
preparation, you can choose which one you want to use in the Job. To complete the
Version field, click Choose a Version to select from the list of existing
versions, including the current version of the preparation.

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields
(columns) to be processed and passed on to the next component. When you create a Spark
Job, avoid the reserved word line when naming the

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

Click Sync
to retrieve the schema from the previous component connected in the

Fetch Schema

Click this button to retrieve the schema from the preparation
defined in the Preparation field.

When using the Dynamic preparation selection:

Dynamic preparation selection

Select this checkbox to define a preparation path and version
using context variables. The preparation will be dynamically selected at runtime.

Preparation path

Use a context variable to define a preparation path. Paths
with or without the initial / are supported.

Preparation version

Use a context variable to define the version of the
preparation to use. Preparation versions are referenced by their number. As a
consequence, to execute the version #2 of a preparation for example, the expected value
is "2". To use the current version of the preparation,
the expected value is "Current state".

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields
(columns) to be processed and passed on to the next component. When you create a Spark
Job, avoid the reserved word line when naming the

Click Edit
to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this
    option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property:
    choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection:
    choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether
    to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to
    propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata
    again in the Repository Content

Click Sync
to retrieve the schema from the previous component connected in the

Fetch Schema

Click this button to dynamically retrieve the schema from the
preparations defined by the context variable in the Preparation path field. If the fetch is successful, any previously
configured schema will be overwritten. If the fetch fails, the current schema is

Advanced settings


Select an encoding mode from this list. You can select
Custom from the list to enter an
encoding method in the field that appears.

Global Variables


ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component is an intermediary step. It requires an input
flow as well as an output.


  • If the dataset is updated after the
    tDataprepRun component has been configured,
    the schema needs to be fetched again.

  • If a context variable was used in the URL of the
    dataset, you cannot use the tDataprepRun_1.png button to edit the preparation
    directly in Talend Data Preparation.

  • The Make as header and Delete
    functions, as well as any modification of a
    single cell, are ignored by the tDatarepRun
    component. These functions only affect a single row or cell and
    are thus not compatible with a Big Data context. In the list of
    existing preparations to choose from, a warning is displayed
    next to preparations that include incompatible actions.

  • With the 7.0 version of Talend Data Fabric, when using Spark 1.6,
    the tDataprepRun component will only work with the
    5.12 or 5.13 version of Cloudera. There is no Cloudera version restriction
    with Spark 2.0.

Yarn cluster mode

When the Yarn cluster mode is selected, the Job driver
is not executed on a local machine, but rather on a machine from the Hadoop
Cluster. Because it is not possible to know in advance which node of the
cluster the Job will be executed on, you have to make sure that all the cluster
nodes are accessible by the Talend Data Preparation server.

Applying a preparation to a data
sample in an Apache Spark Streaming Job

This scenario applies only to Talend Real Time Big Data Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

The tDataprepRun component allows you to reuse an existing preparation
made in Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation, directly in a Big Data Job. In other
words, you can operationalize the process of applying a preparation to input data with the
same model.

The following scenario creates a simple Job that :

  • Reads a small sample of customer data,
  • applies an existing preparation on this data,
  • shows the result of the execution in the console.

This assumes that a preparation has been created beforehand, on a dataset with the same
schema as your input data for the Job. In this case, the existing preparation is called
datapreprun_spark. This simple preparation puts the customer last
names into upper case and applies a filter to isolate the customers from California, Texas
and Florida.


Note that if a preparation contains actions that only affect a single row, or cells, they
will be skipped by the tDataprepRun component during the job. The
Make as header or Delete Row functions for
example, do not work in a Big Data context.

The sample data reads as
Note: The sample data is created for demonstration purposes only.

tHDFSConfiguration is used in this scenario by Spark to connect
to the HDFS system where the jar files dependent on the Job are transferred.

In the Spark
tab in the Run
view, define the connection to a given Spark cluster for the whole Job. In
addition, since the Job expects its dependent jar files for execution, you must
specify the directory in the file system to which these jar files are
transferred so that Spark can access these files:

  • Yarn mode (Yarn client or Yarn cluster):

    • When using Google Dataproc, specify a bucket in the
      Google Storage staging bucket
      field in the Spark configuration

    • When using HDInsight, specify the blob to be used for Job
      deployment in the Windows Azure Storage
      area in the Spark

    • When using Altus, specify the S3 bucket or the Azure
      Data Lake Storage for Job deployment in the Spark
    • When using Qubole, add a
      tS3Configuration to your Job to write
      your actual business data in the S3 system with Qubole. Without
      tS3Configuration, this business data is
      written in the Qubole HDFS system and destroyed once you shut
      down your cluster.
    • When using on-premise
      distributions, use the configuration component corresponding
      to the file system your cluster is using. Typically, this
      system is HDFS and so use tHDFSConfiguration.

  • Standalone mode: use the
    configuration component corresponding to the file system your cluster is
    using, such as tHDFSConfiguration or

    If you are using Databricks without any configuration component present
    in your Job, your business data is written directly in DBFS (Databricks

Prerequisite: ensure that the Spark cluster has been properly
installed and is running.

Adding and linking the components

  1. In the Integration perspective of Talend Studio, create an empty Spark
    Streaming Job from the Job Designs node in the
    Repository tree view.

    For further information about how to create a Spark Streaming Job, see
    Talend Real-Time Big Data Getting Started Guide.

  2. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the
    design workspace: tHDFSConfiguration,
    tFixedFlowInput, tDataprepRun and tLogRow.
  3. Connect the last three components using Row > Main links.

Selecting the Spark mode

Depending on the Spark cluster to be used, select a Spark mode for your Job.

The Spark documentation provides an exhaustive list of Spark properties and
their default values at Spark Configuration. A Spark Job designed in the Studio uses
this default configuration except for the properties you explicitly defined in the
Spark Configuration tab or the components
used in your Job.

  1. Click Run to open its view and then click the
    Spark Configuration tab to display its view
    for configuring the Spark connection.
  2. Select the Use local mode check box to test your Job locally.

    In the local mode, the Studio builds the Spark environment in itself on the fly in order to
    run the Job in. Each processor of the local machine is used as a Spark
    worker to perform the computations.

    In this mode, your local file system is used; therefore, deactivate the
    configuration components such as tS3Configuration or
    tHDFSConfiguration that provides connection
    information to a remote file system, if you have placed these components
    in your Job.

    You can launch
    your Job without any further configuration.

  3. Clear the Use local mode check box to display the
    list of the available Hadoop distributions and from this list, select
    the distribution corresponding to your Spark cluster to be used.

    This distribution could be:

    • Databricks

    • Qubole

    • Amazon EMR

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • Cloudera

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Standalone

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • Google Cloud

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn client

    • Hortonworks

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • MapR

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Standalone

      • Yarn client

      • Yarn cluster

    • Microsoft HD

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn cluster

    • Cloudera Altus

      For this distribution, Talend supports:

      • Yarn cluster

        Your Altus cluster should run on the following Cloud

        • Azure

          The support for Altus on Azure is a technical
          preview feature.

        • AWS

    As a Job relies on Avro to move data among its components, it is recommended to set your
    cluster to use Kryo to handle the Avro types. This not only helps avoid
    this Avro known issue but also
    brings inherent preformance gains. The Spark property to be set in your
    cluster is:

    If you cannot find the distribution corresponding to yours from this
    drop-down list, this means the distribution you want to connect to is not officially
    supported by
    . In this situation, you can select Custom, then select the Spark
    of the cluster to be connected and click the
    [+] button to display the dialog box in which you can

    1. Select Import from existing
      to import an officially supported distribution as base
      and then add other required jar files which the base distribution does not

    2. Select Import from zip to
      import the configuration zip for the custom distribution to be used. This zip
      file should contain the libraries of the different Hadoop/Spark elements and the
      index file of these libraries.


      Exchange, members of
      community have shared some ready-for-use configuration zip files
      which you can download from this Hadoop configuration
      list and directly use them in your connection accordingly. However, because of
      the ongoing evolution of the different Hadoop-related projects, you might not be
      able to find the configuration zip corresponding to your distribution from this
      list; then it is recommended to use the Import from
      existing version
      option to take an existing distribution as base
      to add the jars required by your distribution.

      Note that custom versions are not officially supported by

      and its community provide you with the opportunity to connect to
      custom versions from the Studio but cannot guarantee that the configuration of
      whichever version you choose will be easy. As such, you should only attempt to
      set up such a connection if you have sufficient Hadoop and Spark experience to
      handle any issues on your own.

    For a step-by-step example about how to connect to a custom
    distribution and share this connection, see Hortonworks.

Configuring a Spark stream for your Apache Spark streaming Job

Define how often your Spark Job creates and processes micro batches.
  1. In the Batch size
    field, enter the time interval at the end of which the Job reviews the source
    data to identify changes and processes the new micro batches.
  2. If needs be, select the Define a streaming
    check box and in the field that is displayed, enter the
    time frame at the end of which the streaming Job automatically stops

Configuring the connection to the file system to be used by Spark

Skip this section if you are using Google Dataproc or HDInsight, as for these two
distributions, this connection is configured in the Spark

  1. Double-click tHDFSConfiguration to open its Component view.

    Spark uses this component to connect to the HDFS system to which the jar
    files dependent on the Job are transferred.

  2. If you have defined the HDFS connection metadata under the Hadoop
    node in Repository, select
    Repository from the Property
    drop-down list and then click the
    […] button to select the HDFS connection you have
    defined from the Repository content wizard.

    For further information about setting up a reusable
    HDFS connection, search for centralizing HDFS metadata on Talend Help Center

    If you complete this step, you can skip the following steps about configuring
    tHDFSConfiguration because all the required fields
    should have been filled automatically.

  3. In the Version area, select
    the Hadoop distribution you need to connect to and its version.
  4. In the NameNode URI field,
    enter the location of the machine hosting the NameNode service of the cluster.
    If you are using WebHDFS, the location should be
    webhdfs://masternode:portnumber; WebHDFS with SSL is not
    supported yet.
  5. In the Username field, enter
    the authentication information used to connect to the HDFS system to be used.
    Note that the user name must be the same as you have put in the Spark configuration tab.

Configuring the input data and the preparation

Loading the sample data

  1. In the design workspace, select the tFixedFlowInput
    component and click the Component tab to define its basic


  2. Click the […] button next to Edit schema to open the schema editor.
  3. Click the [+] button to add the schema
    columns as shown in this image.


    This schema is the same as the dataset originally used to create the
    datapreprun_spark preparation in Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation.

  4. Click OK to validate these changes and accept
    the propagation prompted by the pop-up dialog box.
  5. In the Streaming area, enter your preferred value for
    the Input repetition interval (ms) field. In this
    example, the default value, 5000 is used.
  6. In the Mode area, select the Use Inline Content radio button and paste the
    above-mentioned sample data about customers into the Content field that is displayed.
  7. In the Field separator
    field, enter a semicolon (;).

Accessing the preparation from Talend Data Preparation

  1. In the design workspace, select tDataprepRun and click
    the Component tab to define its basic settings.


  2. In the URL field, type the URL of the Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation web application, between
    double quotes. Port 9999 is the default port for Talend Data Preparation.
  3. In the Username and
    Password fields, enter your Talend Data Preparation or Talend Cloud Data Preparation connection information,
    between double quotes.

    If you are working with Talend Cloud Data Preparation and if:

    • SSO is enabled, enter an access
      token in the field.
    • SSO is not enabled, enter either
      an access token or your password in the field.
  4. Click Choose an existing
    to display a list of the prepations available in
    Talend Data Preparation, and select


    This scenario assumes that a preparation with a compatible schema has been
    created beforehand.

    A warning is displayed next to preparations containing incompatible actions,
    that only affect a single row or cell.

  5. Click Fetch Schema to retrieve the schema of
    the preparation.

    The output schema of the tDataprepRun component now
    reflects the changes made with each preparation step. The schema takes into
    account columns that were added or removed for example. By defaut, the output
    schema will use the String type for all the columns, in order
    not to overwrite any formatting operations performed on dates or numeric values
    during the preparation.

Executing the Job

The tLogRow component is used to present the execution result of the

  1. In the design workspace, select the tLogRow
    component and click the Component tab to define
    its basic settings.
  2. Select the Table radio button to present the
    result in a table.
  3. Save your Job and press F6 to
    execute it.
  4. You can now check the execution result in the console of the Run view.


The preparation made in Talend Data Preparation or
Talend Cloud Data Preparation has been applied to the
sample data and only the customer from California, Florida and Texas remain.

For the sake of this example, we used a small data sample, but the Spark
Batch version of the tDataprepRun component can be used with high
volume of data.

Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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