July 30, 2023

tGroovyFile – Docs for ESB 7.x


Broadens the functionality of Talend
Jobs using the Groovy language which is a simplified Java

tGroovyFile allows you to call an
existing Groovy script.

tGroovyFile Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tGroovyFile running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard
tGroovyFile component belongs to the Custom Code family.

The component in this framework is available in all Talend

Basic settings

Groovy File

Name and path of the file containing the Groovy code.


This table contains two columns.

Name: Name of the variable called
in the code.

Value: Value associated with this

Advanced settings

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to collect the log data at component

Global Variables

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component can be used alone or as a subJob along with
another component.


Knowledge of the Groovy language is required.

Calling a file which contains Groovy code

This scenario uses tGroovyFile, on its
own. The Job calls a file containing Groovy code in order to display the file information in
the Console.


Setting up the Job

Open the Custom_Code folder in the Palette and drop a tGroovyFile component onto the workspace.

Configuring the tGroovyFile component

  1. Double-click the component to display the Component view.


  2. In the Groovy File field, enter the path
    to the file containing the Groovy code, or browse to the file in your
    directory. In this example, it is D:/Input/Ageducapitaine.txt, and the file contains the
    following Groovy codes:

  3. In the Variables table, add a line by
    clicking the [+] button.
  4. In the Name column, enter
    “age”, and then in the Value column, enter 50.

Executing the Job

  1. Press Ctrl+S to save your Job.
  2. Press F6 or click Run on the Run tab to
    execute the Job.

    The Console displays the information
    contained in the input file, to which the variable result is added.

Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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