July 30, 2023

tMySQLInvalidRows – Docs for ESB 7.x


Checks MySQL database rows against specific Data Quality patterns (regular
expression) or Data Quality rules (business rule).

tMySQLInvalidRows extracts DB rows that do not match a given data quality
pattern or rule. You can then implement any required correction.

tMySQLInvalidRows Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tMySQLInvalidRows running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard
tMySQLInvalidRows component belongs to the Data Quality and the Databases families.

This component is available in Talend Data Management Platform, Talend Big Data Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

Note: This component is a specific version of a dynamic database
connector. The properties related to database settings vary depending on your database
type selection. For more information about dynamic database connectors, see Dynamic database components.

Basic settings


Select a type of database from the list and click

Validation type

Either Regex pattern validation
or DQ rule validation.


Regex pattern validation:
Validate data in the database against regex patterns.


DQ rule validation: Validate data
in the database against DQ rules.

Property type

Either Built-in or Repository.


Built-in: No property data stored


Repository: Select the repository
file where Properties are stored. The fields that come after are
pre-filled in using the fetched data.

DB Version

Select the MySQL version you are using.

Use an existing connection

Select this check box and in the Component List click the relevant connection component to
reuse the connection details you already defined.

Note: When a Job contains the parent Job and the child Job, if you
need to share an existing connection between the two levels, for example, to share the
connection created by the parent Job with the child Job, you have to:

  1. In the parent level, register the database connection
    to be shared in the Basic
    view of the connection component which creates that very database

  2. In the child level, use a dedicated connection
    component to read that registered database connection.

For an example about how to share a database connection
across Job levels, see

Talend Studio
User Guide


Database server IP address.


Listening port number of DB server.


Name of the database.

Username and

DB user authentication data.

To enter the password, click the […] button next to the
password field, and then in the pop-up dialog box enter the password between double quotes
and click OK to save the settings.

Schema and Edit

A schema is a row description, it defines the number of fields to
be processed and passed on to the next component. The schema is
either Built-in or stored remotely
in the Repository.


Built-in: You create and store
the schema locally for this component only. Related topic: see

Talend Studio User


Repository: You have already
created the schema and stored it in the Repository and thus reuse it
when needed. Related topic: see
Talend Studio User

Table Name

Enter the name of the table to be read.

Where clause

Enter a WHERE clause to define a row filter on the table.

You can use the WHERE clause to filter the rows you want to
analyze in the table. This WHERE clause enables you then to retrieve
valid and invalid data that match certain specified criteria or

Advanced settings

Additional JDBC Parameters

Specify additional connection properties for the DB connection you
are creating. This option is not available if you have selected the
Use an existing connection
check box in the Basic


You can press Ctrl+Space to
access a list of predefined global variables.

Enable stream

Select this check box to enables streaming over
buffering. This allows reading from large tables without consuming large
amount of memory in order to optimize the performance.

Trim all the String/Char columns

Select this check box to remove leading and trailing
whitespace from all the String/Char columns.

Trim column

Select this check box to remove leading and trailing whitespace
from the defined columns.

This check box is not visible if Trim all
the String/Char columns
is selected. Clear Trim all the String/Char columns to
enable Trim column.

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to collect log data at the component

Global Variables

Global Variables

NB_LINE: the number of rows read by an input component or
transferred to an output component. This is an After variable and it returns an

QUERY: the query statement being processed. This is a Flow
variable and it returns a string.

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component can be used as a start or intermediary step. It
requires an output flow.


Available only for Regex pattern

Analyzed column


Available only for Regex pattern

Custom pattern


Available only for Regex pattern

Patterns list


Available only for DQ rule

DQ rule list


Available only for DQ rule

Query type


Available only for DQ rule

Guess Query


Available only for DQ rule

Guess schema


Available only for DQ rule


Dynamic settings

Click the [+] button to add a row in the table
and fill the Code field with a context
variable to choose your database connection dynamically from multiple
connections planned in your Job. This feature is useful when you need to
access database tables having the same data structure but in different
databases, especially when you are working in an environment where you
cannot change your Job settings, for example, when your Job has to be
deployed and executed independent of Talend Studio.

The Dynamic settings table is
available only when the Use an existing
check box is selected in the Basic settings view. Once a dynamic parameter is
defined, the Component List box in the
Basic settings view becomes unusable.

For examples on using dynamic parameters, see Reading data from databases through context-based dynamic connections and Reading data from different MySQL databases using dynamically loaded connection parameters. For more information on Dynamic
and context variables, see Talend Studio
User Guide.

Reading email addresses from a DB table and retrieving specific

This scenario applies only to Talend Data Management Platform, Talend Big Data Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

This scenario is a two-component Job created in
Talend Studio
. In this Job, tMySQLInvalidRows reads the email
addresses for people from a specific country from a MySQL database table, filters data
using a WHERE clause to narrow down the validation process, checks the email values against
the given
Talend Studio
email pattern and finally extracts filtered data including the invalid rows and
displays them on the console.

Below is the database table used in this example, some customers are from
the USA and others are from Canada. The Email column contains some
invalid addresses. The tMySQLInvalidRows component
filters data in the Email column to read only the emails for the
customers from the USA, and then validates these email addresses against the EmailAddress pattern.


In this scenario, we have already stored the schemas of the input table in
the Repository. For more information about storing schema metadata in the Repository tree view, see
Talend Studio User Guide

Setting up your Job

  1. In the Repository tree view, expand in
    succession the Metadata and the DB Connections nodes where you have stored the input
    schemas and drop the relevant connection onto the design workspace.

    The Components dialog box displays.

  2. Select tMySQLInvalidRows from the list and
    click OK to close the dialog box.

    The tMySQLInvalidRows component displays on
    the workspace. The MySQL table used in this scenario is called
    customers. It holds the customers’
    customer_id, account_num, Iname, fname, country and
    Email columns.
  3. Drop tLogRow from the Palette onto the design workspace.
  4. Connect the two components together using the Main link.


Setting up the schema

  1. Double-click tMySQLInvalidRows to display its
    Basic settings view and define its


    All database connection fields are automatically filled in. If you do not
    define your input files in the Repository, fill in the details manually after
    selecting Built-in in the Property Type field
  2. From the Validation type list, select
    Regex pattern validation.

    This will validate data in the selected rows against a regex pattern. For an
    example scenario about validating data against DQ rule, see Checking customer table against a given DQ rule to select customer records.
  3. In the Table Name field, type in the name of
    the database table on which you want to run the Job,
    customer1 in this example.
  4. In the Where clause field, type in the WHERE
    clause that will restrict the number of the analyzed rows.

    In this example you want to examine only the emails of the customers from the
  5. In the Analyzed column list, select the
    column you want to analyze, Email in this example.
  6. In the Patterns list, select the
    Talend Studio
    database pattern against which you want to
    check addresses from the Email column, Email
    in this example.

    If you select the Custom pattern check box,
    you can customize the regular expression against which the data is to be
  7. Double click tLogRow to open its Basic settings view and define its properties as

Executing the Job

  1. Save your Job.
  2. Press F6 to execute it.


    The tMySQLInvalidRows component analyzed the
    email addresses only for customers from the USA in the database table against
    the selected SQL pattern (Email Address), and then it
    extracted all filtered data including the invalid email addresses.

Checking customer table against a given DQ rule to select customer

This scenario applies only to Talend Data Management Platform, Talend Big Data Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

This scenario is a three-component Job that checks a MySQL customer table
against a given data quality rule so as to query specific customer records.


These components used in the Job are:

  • tMysqlConnection: this component creates the
    connection to the MySQL database of interest so that the other components can reuse

  • tMySQLInvalidRows: this component reuses the
    connection created by tMysqlConnection and query the
    customer records of interest against the given data quality rule.

  • tLogRow: this component presents the result of
    running this Job.

To replicate this scenario, proceed as illustrated in the following

Dropping and linking the components

  1. From the Palette, drop tMysqlConnection, tMySQLInvalidRows and tLogRow onto the design workspace.

    You can label any component in the workspace the way you need. For further
    information about how to label a component, see
    Talend Studio User Guide
  2. Right-click tMysqlConnection and select
    the Trigger > OnSubjobOk link to connect this component to tMySQLInvalidRows.
  3. Repeat this operation but select the Row
    > Main link to connect tMySQLInvalidRows to tLogRow.

Configuring the connection to the database

To configure the connection to the MySQL database of interest, proceed as

  1. Double-click tMysqlConnection to open its
    Component view.


  2. In the DB version field, select the
    version of your MySQL database. It is Mysql
    in this example.
  3. In the Host field, type in the server IP
    address of the database to which you want to connect, localhost in this example.
  4. In the Port field, type in the port
    number of the database to which you want to connect, 3306 in this example.
  5. In the Database field, enter the name of
    the database in which you need to check the customer table, crm in this example.
  6. In the Username and the Password fields, enter the authentication
    information to connect to the database of interest.

Configuring the query of the customer records of interest

  1. Double-click tMySQLInvalidRows to open
    its Component view.


  2. In the Validation type field, select
    DQ rule validation in order to use the
    given data quality rule.
  3. Select Use an existing connection to
    reuse the connection that tMysqlConnection
  4. Click the […] button next to Edit schema to open the schema editor.


  5. Click the [+] button three times to add
    throw rows and rename them as Name,
    DOB and Email, respectively.
  6. In the DOB row, select VARCHAR in the DB
    column, enter 19 in
    the Length column and 0 in the Precision column.
  7. Click OK to validate these changes and
    accept the propagation prompted by the pop-up dialog box.
  8. In the Table name field, enter or browse
    to the database table to be checked, cust
    in this example.
  9. In the Where clause field, type in the
    where clause to be used, in addition to the given data quality rule, to
    query the customer data of interest. In this scenario, enter
    cust.Email like 's%' within the quotation marks to
    retrieve the email records beginning with the letter s or S.
  10. In the DQ rule list field, select the
    data quality rule to be used. In this scenario, select cust_age. This rule is a demo rule reading


    You can check the available data quality rules in Libraries > Rules > SQL of the DQ
    . The cust_age
    rule can be imported from the TDQEEDEMOJAVA project.


    For further information about the DQ
    and its items and about how to import the data
    quality demo project, see the
    Talend Studio
    User Guide
  11. Click Guess Query to generate the
    corresponding query clause that uses the Not clause.
  12. In the Query field, change 18 to 20 to
    modify the clause as the following:

    This clause allows you to select the customers whose ages count 20 or more.

Executing the Job

The tLogRow component presents the execution
result of the Job. You can configure the presentation mode on its Component view.

To do this, double-click tLogRow to open the
Component view and in the Mode area, select the Table (print values in
cells of a table)

To execute this Job, press F6.

Once done, the Run view is opened automatically,
where you can check the execution result.


You can read that the customer records beginning with the letter S are retrieved
and their ages are all more than 20.

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