July 30, 2023

tQASAddressRow – Docs for ESB 7.x


Corrects any formatting or spelling errors and gives the verification status for
each row.

The address may not always have enough information to be matched to a single deliverable
result in the QuickAddress data. For more information about the verification status, see
QuickAccess verification levels (verification status).

The address management components discussed here are the result of Talend collaboration with
Experian QAS, one of the world leaders for global address data quality.

For more information about the enterprise and its software tools, visit http://www.qas.com.

tQASAddressRow verifies columns
in an address. It iterates on each row and reads input addresses
against the QuickAddress data.

tQASAddressRow uses QAS Pro Web
5.16 on Linux and 5.86 on Windows.

QuickAccess verification levels (verification status)

An address can be matched to one of six verification levels. These verification levels
are directly returned by the tQASAddressRow component
to indicate the returned match type of the checked addresses. Moreover, the output flows
of the other QAS components are adapted to match to one or more of the below
verification levels.

The six QuickAddress verification levels are:

  • Verified: The address searched upon is matched to a single deliverable
    address in the QuickAddress data. The verified result may be slightly different
    from the address entered and searched upon, as any formatting and spelling
    errors will have been corrected, and any missing elements will have been added.
    When this match type is returned, no further user interaction is

  • Interaction required: The address searched upon is matched to a single
    deliverable address in the QuickAddress data, although there is less confident
    about the match than for the verified level above, and
    therefore user interaction is recommended to confirm that it is the correct

  • PremisesPartial: The address searched upon is not matched
    to a complete deliverable result in the QuickAddress data, and instead has been
    matched to a partially-complete address.

    For example, the address is matched to a premises in the QuickAddress data,
    but a complete deliverable match could not be found: “63 Southerton Road,
    London” rather than “Flat A, 63 Southerton Road, London”.

  • StreetPartial: The address searched upon is not matched
    to a complete deliverable result in the QuickAddress data, and instead has been
    matched to a partially-complete address.

    For example, the address is matched to a street in the QuickAddress data, but
    a complete deliverable match could not be found: “Kew Road, Richmond” rather
    than “88 Kew Road, Richmond”.

  • Multiple: The address searched upon is not matched to a
    single deliverable result in the QuickAddress data, and instead has matched
    equally to more than one result.

    For example, the address is matched to two equally valid addresses that can
    only be distinguished by address information that has not been provided in the

    user interaction is therefore necessary to select the required

  • None: The address searched upon could not be matched to
    any deliverable results in the QuickAddress data. When this match type is
    returned, no address verification is possible and the submitted address should
    be used instead.

tQASAddressRow Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tQASAddressRow running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard
tQASAddressRow component belongs to the Data Quality family.

This component is available in Talend Data Management Platform, Talend Big Data Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

Basic settings


Enter the URL for the QuickAdress XML document (provided by
Experian QAS).


Select from the list the country corresponding to your input

Schema and Edit

A schema is a row description, it defines the number of fields to
be processed and passed on to the next component. The schema is
either Built-in or stored remotely
in the Repository.


Built-in: You create the schema
and store it locally for this component only. Related topic: see

Talend Studio User


Repository: You have already
created the schema and stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it
in various projects and job designs. Related topic: see

Talend Studio User

to analyze

Select from the list the address column you want to

Advanced settings


Select this check box to collect log data at the component

Global Variables

Global Variables

NB_LINE: the number of rows read by an input component or
transferred to an output component. This is an After variable and it returns an

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the
component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This
variable functions only if the Die on error check box is
cleared, if the component has this check box.

A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable
functions after the execution of the component.

To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl +
to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it.

For further information about variables, see
Talend Studio

User Guide.


Usage rule

This component is an intermediary step. It requires an input flow
as well as an output.

Editing addresses and giving the verification status

This scenario applies only to Talend Data Management Platform, Talend Big Data Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

Below is a five-component Job created in
Talend Studio

This Job:

  • reads an input csv file that holds some client-related

  • uses the tMap component to
    concatenate the three fields Address, Postal, and City from the incoming data flow in one output column: Edit_Address,

  • uses the tQASAddressRow
    component to analyze the output column Edit_Address and
    gives the verification status of all edited addresses,

  • uses a tFilterRow component
    to output only the addresses which status is not equal to None.

  • and finally displays the correct formatted address along with
    their verification status on the console.

In this scenario, we have already stored the input schema of the input
file in the Repository. For more information about storing schema metadata in the
Repository tree view, see
Talend Studio User Guide

Setting up the Job

  1. In the Repository tree view, expand
    Metadata and the file node where you
    have stored the input schemas and drop the relevant file onto the design

    The Components dialog box

  2. Select tFileInputDelimited from the list
    and click OK to close the dialog

    The tFileInputDelimited component
    displays on the workspace. The input file used in this scenario is called
    address_template, which is a csv file that holds
    some French client personal information.
  3. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace: tMap, tQASAddressRow,
    tFilterRow, and tLogRow.
  4. Connect tFileInputDelimited to tMap and tQASAddressRow to tFilterRow using Main
    links, tMap to tQASAddressRow using the New
    link, and tFilterRow
    to tLogRow using the Filter link.


Configuring the components

  1. Double-click the tMap component to open
    the Map Editor and concatenate the
    Address, Postal, and City
    fields from the incoming data flow in one output column:


    When done, click OK to close the
    Map Editor and propagate the changes to
    the next component.
  2. Double-click the tQASAddressRow component
    to display its Basic settings and define
    its properties.


  3. In the QAS WSDL url field, enter the URL
    for the QuickAdress XML document (provided by Experian QAS).
  4. On the Country list, select the country
    corresponding to your input addresses, France in this
  5. If needed, click Edit schema to view the
    input and output data flow. The output schema should include the
    Edit_Address column that hold the
    Address, Postal, and City
    initial input columns.

    The output schema of any of the QuickAddress components depends on the
    selected country in the Country list since
    every country has different address norms.

    Click OK to close the dialog box.
  6. On the Column to analyze list, select
  7. Double-click the tFilterRow component to
    display its Basic settings view and define
    its properties.


  8. In the Conditions area, click the plus
    button to add one condition to the output flow and in the corresponding
    table cells:

    -select the input column you want to operate on,
    -select the needed function on the list,
    -select the operator to bind the input column with the value,
    -type in between the quotes the address value to be filtered.
    In this example, we want to exclude the addresses which status is equal to
  9. Double-click the tLogRow component to
    display its Basic settings and define its


    In this example, and for clarity purposes, we want the result to display
    on the console in a separate key/value tabular list for each row.

Executing the Job

Save your Job an press F6 to execute it
and display the result on the console.


In the above result samples, the tQASAddressRow reads the input rows, corrects and formats
the addresses, gives the result in the Edit_Address
row, and gives the verification status in the Status

Document get from Talend https://help.talend.com
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