tFileInputItem – Talend Custom Components

Name: tFileInputItem
Icon: tFileInputItem
Author: bennatigiuliano
Install Instructions:
Example: Coming soon…

This component allows you to read the comments entered in the project metadata directory. It providing to you the way to obtain some headers columns labels more explicit than the technicals names proposed by default with the checkboxes header include on files outputs components.


Release Notes:

Release version: 0.1 – 2011-11-04 12:04:42
This component allows you to read the comments entered in the project metadata directory. It providing to you the way to obtain some headers columns labels more explicit than the technicals names proposed by default with the checkboxes header include on files outputs components.

However by a TRowGenerator you are oblige to create a fake record line with same metadata to your output file.
Keep in mind the columns types must to be changed as String to replace the fake record by the functional label header .
Then, with OK Component trigger, do your treatement with usual metadata as declared at begining, and use write in apend to your output component.
Release version: 0.2 – 2015-08-27 11:25:53
This component allow you to replace current header by columns’s comments metadatas. This version doesn’t require tRowGenerator.

  • 4.2 (obsolete)
  • 5.0 (obsolete)
  • 5.5 (obsolete)
  • 6.0 (obsolete)
  • 6.1 (obsolete)
  • 6.2 (obsolete)

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