July 30, 2023

cAggregate – Docs for ESB ESB 7.x


Combines a number of messages together into a single message.

cAggregate Standard properties

These properties are used to configure cAggregate running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard
cAggregate component belongs to the Routing family.

Basic settings


Select the language of the expression you want to use to filter your messages, from
None, Bean, CONSTANT,

Select CorrelationID to use the
existing correlation ID of the message as the correlation key if the
correlation ID is available in the closest cSOAP connected to this component. For more information
about the cSOAP component, see cSOAP.

Correlation expression/Expression

Type in the expression that evaluates the correlation key to be
used for the aggregation.

This field disappears when CorrelationID is selected in the Language list. In this case, the existing correlation
ID from the closest cSOAP connected
to this component will be used. For more information about the
cSOAP component, see cSOAP.

Correlation expression/Add Namespaces

This option appears when XPath is
selected in the Language list.

Select this check box to add namespaces for the Xpath expression.
Click [+] to add as many namespaces
as required to the table and define the prefix and URI in the
corresponding columns.


Specify a Java bean to use as the aggregation

Completion conditions/Number of messages

Select this check box to specify the number of messages to
aggregate per batch before the aggregation is complete.


By default, this check box is selected and the number of
messages is set to 3. If you
clear this check box, and at least one of the other four
completion conditions is met, all the messages retrieved will be
aggregated in one batch.

Completion conditions/Inactivity timeout (in milliseconds)

Select this check box to specify the time (in milliseconds) that
an aggregated exchange should be inactive before it is complete.
This option can be set as either a fixed value or using an
Expression which allows you to evaluate a timeout dynamically.


You can not use this option together with Scheduled interval. Only one of them
can be used at a time.

Completion conditions/Scheduled interval (in milliseconds)

Select this check box to specify a repeating period (in
milliseconds) by which the aggregator will complete all current
aggregated exchanges.


You cannot use this option together with Inactivity timeout. Only one of them can be used
at a time.

Completion conditions/Predicate matched

Select this check box to specify a predicate to indicate
when an aggregated exchange is complete.

Completion conditions/Batch consumer

Select this check box to aggregate all files consumed
from a file endpoint in a given poll.

Advanced settings

Check completion before aggregating

Select this check box to check for completion when a new
incoming exchange has been received. This option influences the behavior
of the Predicate matched option as the
exchange being passed in changes accordingly. When this option is
disabled, the exchange passed in the predicate is the aggregated exchange which means any
information you may store on the aggregated exchange from the
aggregation strategy is available for the predicate. When this option is
enabled, the exchange passed in the predicate is the incoming exchange, which means you can
access data from the incoming exchange.

Close correlation group

Select this check box to indicate that if a correlation
key has already been completed, then any new exchanges with the same
correlation key will be denied. When using this option, enter a number
in the Maximum bound field to keep that
last number of closed correlation keys.

Ignore invalid correlation key

Select this check box to ignore the invalid correlation
key which could not be evaluated to a value. By default Camel will throw
an Exception on encountering an invalid correlation key.

Group arriving exchange

Select this check box to group all aggregated exchanges
into a single combined holder class that holds all the aggregated
exchanges. As a result only one exchange is being sent out from the
aggregator. This option can be used to combine many incoming exchanges
into a single output exchange.

Use persistence

Select this check box to plug in your own implementation
of the repository which keeps track of the current in-flight aggregated
exchanges. By default, Camel uses a memory based implementation.


This field appears when the Use
check box is selected. The repository is
AggregationRepository, HawtDBAggregationRepository, or RecoverableAggregationRepository.

The default repository used by Camel which is a memory based
implementation. Enter the name of the repository in the field.

HawtDBAggregationRepository is an AggregationRepository which
persists the aggregated messages on the fly. This ensures that you
will not loose messages. With this repository selected, the
following options appear:

Use persistent file: Select this
check box to store the aggregated exchanges in a file. Enter the
name of the file for the persistent storage in the Persistent file field. If the file does
not exists on startup, it will be created.

Recovery/Use recovery: Select
this check box to recover failed aggregated exchanges and have them
resubmitted automatically. In the Recovery
field, enter the interval (in milliseconds)
to scan for failed exchanges to recover and resubmit. By default
this interval is 5000 milliseconds. In the Dead letter channel field, enter an endpoint URI for
a Dead Letter Channel where exhausted recovered exchanges will be
moved. In the Maximum redeliveries
field, enter the maximum number of redelivery attempts for a given
recovered exchange.

RecoverableAggregationRepository is a JDBC based
AggregationRepository which persists the aggregated messages on the
fly. This ensures that you will not loose messages. Enter the name
of the repository in the field.

With this repository selected, the following options

Recovery/Use recovery: Select
this check box to recover failed aggregated exchanges and have them
resubmitted automatically. In the Recovery
field, enter the interval (in milliseconds)
to scan for failed exchanges to recover and resubmit. By default
this interval is 5000 milliseconds. In the Dead letter channel field, enter an endpoint URI for
a Dead Letter Channel where exhausted recovered exchanges will be
moved. In the Maximum redeliveries
field, enter the maximum number of redelivery attempts for a given
recovered exchange.


Usage rule

cAggregate is used as a middle or
end component in a Route.


Aggregate: select this link to route
messages to the next endpoint according to the selected aggregation

Route: select this link to route all the messages from the
sender to the next endpoint.

Aggregating three messages into one

This scenario applies only to Talend Open Studio for ESB, Talend Data Services Platform and Talend Data Fabric.

In this scenario, the cAggregate component combines
three messages from the local file system into one and prints the messages in the
console. A Java bean will be used as the aggregation strategy.

Creating a Java bean as the aggregation strategy

To aggregate the messages, we will use a Java bean that will help us build an
aggregation strategy.

  1. From the repository tree view, expand the Code node and right click the Beans node. In the contextual menu, select Create Bean.


  2. The New Bean wizard opens. In the Name field, type in a name for the bean, for
    example, AggregateBody. Click Finish to close the wizard.


  3. Type in the codes as shown in the figure below. In this use case, we just
    want to aggregate all messages into a single message.

  4. Press Ctrl+S to save your bean.

Dropping and linking the components


  1. From the Palette, expand the Connectivity folder, and drop a cFile component onto the design workspace.
  2. Expand the Routing folder, and drop a
    cAggregate component onto the design
  3. Expand the Custom folder, and drop two cProcessor components onto the design
  4. Right-click the cFile component, select
    Row > Route from the contextual menu and click the first cProcessor component.
  5. Repeat this operation to connect the first cProcessor component to the cAggregate component.
  6. Right-click the cAggregate component,
    select Row > Aggregate from the contextual menu and click the second
    cProcessor component.
  7. Label all the components to better identify their functionality, as shown

Configuring the components

  1. Double-click the cFile component, which
    is labelled File_source, to display its
    Basic settings view in the Component tab.


  2. In the Path field, browse to or enter the
    input file path, and leave the other parameters as they are.

    In this scenario, there are four text files in the specified directory:
    a.txt, b.txt,
    c.txt and d.txt, the contents
    of which are This is a! , This is b!
    , This is c! , and
    This is d! respectively.
  3. Double-click the cAggregate component,
    which is labelled Aggregator, to display
    its Basic settings view in the Component tab.

  4. In the Language field, select Constant or Simple as the expression language.

    In the Expression field, enter the expression "getBody(String.class)" to retrieve the body of the message.
    In the Strategy field, enter the name of the Java bean AggregateBody you just created.
    Select the Number of messages check box and type in 2 in the field.
  5. Double-click the cProcessor component
    labelled Monitor_before to display its
    Basic settings view in the Component tab.


  6. In the Code box, customize the code as
    follows so that the Run console displays
    the message contents before an aggregation takes place:

  7. In the same way, configure the cProcessor
    component labelled Monitor_after so that
    the Run console displays the message contents after an aggregation takes

  8. Press Ctrl+S to save your route.

Viewing code and executing the Route

  1. Click the Code tab at the bottom of the
    design workspace to have a look at the generated code.


    As shown in the code, a message from the
    File_source endpoint is routed via
    cProcessor_1 and then aggregated according to the condition
  2. Click the Run view to display it and
    click the Run button to launch the
    execution of your route. You can also press F6 to execute it.

    RESULT: The four messages are aggregated in two batches, two messages
    combined into one each batch.

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