August 13, 2023

Configuring the masking operations – Docs for ESB 7.x

Configuring the masking operations

The alpha_values.csv file contains the allowed alphabetic
values: all letters in the A to Z range (minus S, L, O, I, B, Z). The
alphanum_values.csv file contains the allowed alphanumeric values:
the values from alpha_values.csv and digits.

  • You retrieved the alpha_values.csv
    and alphanum_values.csv files from the
    Downloads tab of the online version of this page, at
  • You defined context variables to the alpha_values.csv and
    alphanum_values.csv files.
    For further information, see the online publication about how to define
    context variables for a Job on Talend Help Center (
  1. Double-click tPatternMasking to display its
    Basic settings view in the
    Component tab.

    Configuring the masking operations_1.png

  2. If required, click Sync columns to retrieve the schema
    defined in the input component.
  3. Click the Edit schema
    button to open the schema dialog box.

    tPatternMasking adds a read-only
    column to the output schema.

    Configuring the masking operations_2.png

    The ORIGINAL_MARK column labels output records:

    • Original records are labeled with the true label.
    • Substitute records are labeled with the false
  4. In the Modifications table, click the
    [+] button to add ten rows for configuring the data
    masking operations.

    The first nine rows define the masking operation for each of the first nine
    characters in the input values. The last row define the masking operation for
    the last two characters in the input values.
    The dash is used as a separator in the input values. You do not need to
    configure masking operations for separators because the masked output has the
    same separators as the input values.
  5. Configure the masking operations for the first, fourth and seventh characters
    that appear in the input:

    1. Click the Column to mask field of the first row
      and select the column that contains the data to be masked.

      In this example, select MBI.
    2. From the Field type field, select
      Interval as the field type the data belongs
      to and enter the range of authorized numeric values in the
      Values field.

      In this example, the purpose is to mask the first character with a
      digit in the 1 to 9 range ("1,9"). The fourth and
      seventh characters will be masked with a digit in the 0 to 9 range
    3. Apply the same configuration to the fourth and seventh rows of the
      Modifications table.
  6. Configure the masking operations for the second, fifth, eighth and ninth
    characters that appear in the input:

    1. Click the Column to mask field of the second row
      and select the column that contains the data to be masked.
    2. From the Field type field, select
      Enumeration from file.
    3. Click the Values field and press Ctrl
      + Space
      to select the variable for the file that
      contains the authorized values.

      In this example, select the variable for the file that contains the
      authorized alphabetic values.
    4. Apply the same configuration to the fifth, eighth and ninth row of the
      Modifications table.
  7. Configure the masking operations for the third and sixth characters that appear
    in the input:

    1. Click the Column to mask field of the third row
      and select the column that contains the data to be masked.
    2. From the Field type field, select
      Enumeration from file.
    3. Click the Values field and press Ctrl
      + Space
      to select the variable for the file that
      contains the authorized values.

      In this example, select the variable for the file that contains the
      authorized alphanumeric values.
    4. Apply the same configuration to the sixth row of the
      Modifications table.
  8. Configure the masking operations for the last two characters that appear in the

    1. Click the Column to mask field of the last row
      and select the column that contains the data to be masked.
    2. From the Field type field, select
      Interval as the field type the data belongs
      to and enter "0,99" for the range of authorized
      numeric values in the Values field.

      In this example, the purpose is to mask the characters with two
      digits in the 0 to 9 range.
      To mask each of the two characters separately, you can add a row to
      the Modifications table, define two masking
      operations and enter "0,9" for the range of
      authorized numeric values.

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