August 17, 2023

tGreenplumBulkExec – Docs for ESB 5.x



tGreenplumBulkExec Properties

The tGreenplumOutputBulk and tGreenplumBulkExec components are used together in a two step process.
In the first step, an output file is generated. In the second step, this file is used in
the INSERT statement used to feed a database. These two steps are fused together in the
tGreenplumOutputBulkExec component, detailed in a
separate section. The advantage using a two step process is that it makes it possible to
transform data before it is loaded in the database.

Component Family




tGreenplumBulkExec performs an
Insert action on the data.


is a component which is specifically designed
to improve performance when loading data in ParAccel

Basic settings

Property type

Either Built-in or

Since version 5.6, both the Built-In mode and the Repository mode are
available in any of the Talend solutions.



Built-in: No property data stored



Repository: Select the repository
file in which the properties are stored. The fields that follow are
completed automatically using the data retrieved.


Use an existing connection

Select this check box and in the Component List click the
relevant connection component to reuse the connection details you already defined.


When a Job contains the parent Job and the child Job, if you need to share an existing
connection between the two levels, for example, to share the connection created by the
parent Job with the child Job, you have to:

  1. In the parent level, register the database connection to be shared in the
    Basic settings view of the connection
    component which creates that very database connection.

  2. In the child level, use a dedicated connection component to read that
    registered database connection.

For an example about how to share a database connection across Job levels, see
Talend Studio User



Database server IP address.



Listening port number of DB server.



Name of the database.



Exact name of the schema.


Username and

DB user authentication data.

To enter the password, click the […] button next to the
password field, and then in the pop-up dialog box enter the password between double quotes
and click OK to save the settings.



Name of the table to be written. Note that only one table can be
written at a time


Action on table

On the table defined, you can perform one of the following

None: No operation is carried

Drop and create a table: The table
is removed and created again.

Create a table: The table does not
exist and gets created.

Create a table if not exists: The
table is created if it does not exist.

Drop a table if exists and create:
The table is removed if it already exists and created again.

Clear a table: The table content is



Name of the file to be loaded.


This file is located on the machine specified by the URI in
the Host field so it should be
on the same machine as the database server.


Schema and Edit

A schema is a row description. It defines the number of fields to be processed and passed on
to the next component. The schema is either Built-In or
stored remotely in the Repository.

Since version 5.6, both the Built-In mode and the Repository mode are
available in any of the Talend solutions.



Built-In: You create and store the schema locally for this
component only. Related topic: see Talend Studio
User Guide.



Repository: You have already created the schema and
stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it in various projects and Job designs. Related
topic: see Talend Studio User Guide.

When the schema to be reused has default values that are integers or functions, ensure that
these default values are not enclosed within quotation marks. If they are, you must remove
the quotation marks manually.

For more details, see


Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the
current schema is of the Repository type, three options are

  • View schema: choose this option to view the
    schema only.

  • Change to built-in property: choose this option
    to change the schema to Built-in for local

  • Update repository connection: choose this option to change
    the schema stored in the repository and decide whether to propagate the changes to
    all the Jobs upon completion. If you just want to propagate the changes to the
    current Job, you can select No upon completion and
    choose this schema metadata again in the [Repository

Advanced settings

Action on data

Select the operation you want to perform:

Bulk insert Bulk update The details asked will be different
according to the action chosen.


Copy the OID for each row

Retrieve the ID item for each row.


Contains a header line with the names of each column in
the file

Specify that the table contains header.


File type

Select the file type to process.


Null string

String displayed to indicate that the value is null.


Fields terminated by

Character, string or regular expression to separate fields.


Escape char

Character of the row to be escaped


Text enclosure

Character used to enclose text.


Force not null for columns

Define the columns nullability

Force not null: Select the check
box next to the column you want to define as not null.


Catcher Statistics

Select this check box to collect log data at the component

Dynamic settings

Click the [+] button to add a row in the table and fill
the Code field with a context variable to choose your
database connection dynamically from multiple connections planned in your Job. This feature
is useful when you need to access database tables having the same data structure but in
different databases, especially when you are working in an environment where you cannot
change your Job settings, for example, when your Job has to be deployed and executed
independent of Talend Studio.

The Dynamic settings table is available only when the
Use an existing connection check box is selected in the
Basic settings view. Once a dynamic parameter is
defined, the Component List box in the Basic settings view becomes unusable.

For more information on Dynamic settings and context
variables, see Talend Studio User Guide.


This component is generally used with a tGreenplumOutputBulk component. Used together they
offer gains in performance while feeding a Greenplum


The activity of this component can be logged using the log4j feature. For more information on this feature, see Talend Studio User

For more information on the log4j logging levels, see the Apache documentation at

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